This article analyzes the grammar meaning of Korean ‘-겠-’and the corres ponding form in Chinese. It mainly reviewed the various sentence pattern of ‘-겠-’ and the corres -ponding form and corresponding formula. Chapter One principally reco...
This article analyzes the grammar meaning of Korean ‘-겠-’and the corres ponding form in Chinese. It mainly reviewed the various sentence pattern of ‘-겠-’ and the corres -ponding form and corresponding formula. Chapter One principally recommended the research purpose, significance and research methods of this article. This chapter also briefly introduced the ontological and the corresponding research status of ‘-겠-’.
Chapter Two mainly related and analyzed the character of the ‘-겠-’ meaning. Analyz ed the meaning category of ‘-겠-’ and discussed the meaning assorts and meaning distributing status. This article explorated and analyses the meaning of ‘-겠-’ chiefly on the basis of 25 grammar literature of South Korea, North Korea, China. Furthermor- e,according to the distributing meaning of ‘-겠-’ analyzed the corpus. This article mostly used all-around river novel “Hometown”, “Business road” as analysis objects. According to the status of this article,韩语毕业论文,it mainly researched intend, presume, likelihood and preconcert.
Chapter Three mainly discoursed upon the intend, presume, likelihood and preconcert of sentence distributing status of ‘-겠-’. Syntax restrict factor had subject、predicate、objec- t、sentence type、tense and so on,according to these restrict relationships engendered 14 basic sentence forms. Among them,there were intend 4,presume 5,likelihood 3,preco- ncert 2.
Chapter Four was the core of this article. It had mainly discussed the corresponding form and the corresponding rule in Chinese under the intend, presume, likelihood and preconcert meaning of ‘-겠-’. In the intend meaning, it mainly corresponded to ‘要’,‘想’,‘打算’,‘愿意’,‘肯’and so on;in the presume meaning, it mainly corresponded to ‘可能’,‘能’,‘会’,‘得’,‘要’etc.;in the likelihood meaning, it mainly corresponded to ‘能’,‘可以’etc.;in the preconcert meaning, it mainly corresponded to ‘将’,‘就要’ etc.
Chapter Five was conclusion part. It induced the main conclusion and shortcomings of this article.
Furthermore,the research findings of this article not only useful to Chinese who want to learn Korean but also useful to Korean who want to learn Chinese, that is to say, we can draw some lessons from this article in practice and language research.