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한국어교실 자원봉사활동의 활성화 방안 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This study aims to suggest activating plans for voluntary Korean teaching at Korean education centers, specifically aimed at migrant workers that are the target beneficiaries of Korean language for specific purposes, conducting an attitude survey, and interviews with voluntary Korean language teachers.
The number of migrant workers in Korea employed in operations positions exceeded 500,000 in September, 2008. The importance of Korean language education for them to perform social integration on the side of governmental policy, as well as to help them manage their everyday life in Korea, is increasing vastly. But the condition of Korean language education for migrant workers most of which is managed by human rights groups or religious bodies, utilizing voluntary Korean teachers, is very poor. For this reason, it is necessary to establish support systems and governmental language policies for migrant workers.
This study has investigated the status of Korean education centers for migrant workers in Incheon and Bucheon and conducted a survey of more than 100 volunteer Korean language teachers and interviewed a number of them. The survey is largely made up of questions aimed at the teachers' personal information, voluntary motivation of participating in Korean education, background knowledge of Korean language, ability to use various teaching methods, attitude to migrant workers and the difficulties of voluntary Korean teaching. Its analysis shows that the Korean language education for migrant workers has some problems in teachers' professionality, financial insufficiency, and the need for teacher training courses.
Thus, based on the outcome of this survey and interview, it is reasonable to conclude that the activating plans for Korean education targeted at migrant workers both builds up educational infrastructure and develops teaching skills in the classroom.
In order to realize infrastructure, firstly, it is important to strengthen the teachers' professionality by establishing the voluntary management system specially devised for Korean language teachers, which contains recognition system and social reward system under governmental agenda. Secondly, it is needed to construct the support system for Korean language education by cooperating with university, corporation and government-related organization concurrently. Thirdly, the Korean language teachers have the right to take part in the teacher training course regularly and they want teachers' guide adequate to Korean language course for migrant workers which covers up various teaching tips and task-based contents. And lastly, advanced Korean learners can complementary co-teach Korean in the class, the advantage of which is as making it possible to manage multi-leveled classes, present individual teaching and build communication between Korean teachers and beginner students.
