한·중의 상징어 대조연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This article is a study about the familiar symbolic words(onomatopoeic words and mimetic words) in Korean and Chinese and a summary of the features of which in phonology, morphology and classification. The conclusion is as follow: 1. The definition ...

This article is a study about the familiar symbolic words(onomatopoeic words and mimetic words) in Korean and Chinese and a summary of the features of which in phonology, morphology and classification.
The conclusion is as follow:
1. The definition of symbolic words is the words that imitate the sounds or forms of human beings or objects. Symbolic words are also based on the features of arbitrariness and sociality of language.
2. The symbolic words of Korean and Chinese can be classified according to meaning and form. In Korean they can be classified as unitary, binary, trinary and sensorially classifying according to meaning, simplex words and complex words according to form. Further more the simplex words can be divided into single words and iterative words, and the complex words can be divided into compound words and derivation words. In chinese, the onomatopoeic words and mimetic words are two separated parts of speech. According to meaning, based on the object imitated, the onomatopoeic words can be divided into the sounds of human beings, of animals and of the nature, the mimetic words can be divided based on the object imitated and sense. According to form they can be divided into single words and iterative words.
3. The contrastive study is carried out from phonology, morphology and grammar. The connotation difference in Korean is produced by the replacement of masculine vowels and feminine vowels and the change of consonants and that of Chinese is produced by the change of vowels, consonants, intonation and retroflex final. With the respect of grammar, the symbolic words in Korean are adverbs so that while combined with affix the onomatopoeic words can be turn into verbs and nouns, and the mimetic words can be turned into verbs, adjectives and nouns. The onomatopoeic words in Chinese are composed of verbs, adjectives, nouns and adverbs, and the mimetic words are composed of adverbs, adjectives and verbs.
Korean and Chinese belong to different language families. One is the agglutinating language while the other is the isolating language so that there are many differences between two languages in many aspects. However in either language the symbolic words enriches their expressive force and make the two languages more lively and flexible. This article is dedicated to make the Korean and Chinese language learners be more acquainted with the symbolic words and use them precisely.


1. 象征语的概念是模仿人或事物的声音,形态的词语。象征语也要以语言的恣意性和社会性为基础。
2. 韩国语和中国语的象征语可从意义和形态两方面来分类。韩国语象征语从意义方面分类有一元,二元,韩语论文网站,三元和从感官来分类的几种观点。从形态方面可分为单一语和复合语。单一语又可分为单独型和重叠型,复合语可分为合成语和派生语。中国语中拟声词和拟态词是两个单独的词类。从意义上来分中国语拟声词根据模仿的对象可分为人的声音、动物的声音和自然界的声音,拟态词根据模仿对象或感官来分类。形态上可分为单一型和重叠型。3. 对比研究是从音韵,形态,语法三方面进行的。韩国语象征语的语感差异是由于阳性元音和阴性元音的交替,还有辅音的变化而产生的。中国语象征语的语感由于元音,韩语论文题目,辅音,声调和儿化的变化而变化。语法方面韩国语象征语是象征副词。与词缀相结合拟声词可成为动词、名词,拟态词可成为动词、形容词、名词。中国语的拟声词具有动词、形容词、名词、副词的语法功能,拟态词具有副词、形容词、动词的功能。
