국제결혼 이민 실태와 이민자 여성의 한국 사회 적응 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

In the recent circumstances where one million foreigners live in Korea, one third of the new born babies in a year, which belongs to inter-nationally married couples, shirk serious problems to the society. The support for the marriage immigrants is ma...

In the recent circumstances where one million foreigners live in Korea, one third of the new born babies in a year, which belongs to inter-nationally married couples, shirk serious problems to the society. The support for the marriage immigrants is managed by the government and the town itself, however, focusing only in the Korean aspect. This has used the research or KyungKi-Do(Province), where 50 percent of the inter-national marriage immigrants live; especially the research was focused on NamYangJu-Shi(city), where the floating population of a metropolis and rural area coexist. Specifically, the research has concentrated on the reality of the societal adaptation of inter-nationally married female immigrants, who has the responsibility to raise the so-called third world child to be a Korean.

Chapter 2 : The Inter-national marriage immigration and the Korean society
1. The Present Situation of the International Marriage Immigration
Before 1990''s, the inter-national marriages were mostly between Korean women and foreing men. Nonetheless, the situation soon reversed after 1992; the inter-national marriage between Korean men and foreign women increased rapidly. In 2006, number of inter-national marriages has reached approximately two hudred thousand; 121,942 women were from China, 18,949 from Vietnam, and 6,780 from the Philippines. Until 2000, the number of female immigrants from Vietnam was much more comparing to the Philippines. Nevertheless the Vietnamese increased exponentially after 2003.
2. The Characteristics of Inter-nationally Married Family
Actually, 32 to 45 percent of the Korean husband is in their second marriage. The average age of the Korean husband is 41 and foreign wife is 34, with a difference of 7 years. Moreover, the difference in the age varies quite largely due to the nationality of the women. Particularly, the marriages through matchmaking companies of Vietnam, Mongolia, and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) showed wider age differences. In the marriages between Vietnamese women and Korean men, the age difference of 20 years old was up to 24.6 percent. In this case, the Vietnamese female immigrant actually decided to marry a Korean man because of the better economic circumstances they actually demand.

Chapter 3 : The Present Situation of the Inter-national Marriage in Nam YangJu-Shi(city)
Actually, 40 to 50 percent of the international marriage immigrants are concentrated in the metropolitan areas, and the province that carries the most is Kyung Ki Province. The aggregate number of the foreign wives in Korea was 30,208; 6,168 in Seoul and 6,492 in KyungKi-Do(Province). The number of Immigrants for International marriages was 269 in 2005 and 248 in 2006. The accumulated number of female immigrants for marriage with F-2 residence visa was 910 and the most of the 910 immigrants (518 of them) were residing in small town. The town called HwaDo-Eup had the most immigrants by having number of 147. Moreover, the immigrants naturalized as a Korean was up to 200, and most of them were living in the HwaDo-Eup(town) (51 of them). Similar to the statistics of Korean government and the KyungKi-Do(province), it showed that the Chinese immigrants were the most; however, the evaluation of Japanese and the Vietnamese immigrants were different. The recipients of this research were chosen from the member of International matchmaking program by the Foreigner Welfare Center, located in HwaDo-Eup(town), NamYangJu-shi(city), KyungKi-Do( Province).

Chapter 4 : The adptation of inter-nationally married women immigrants in Korean society
There were cases ing some uncomfortable relationship between the daughter-in-law and the woman’s mother-in-law due to different food culture, and the disappointment felt towards their unfulfilled expectation owing to the reality different from the image of Korea broadcasted in the media. In terms of the family life, a peculiarity was observed where at first, the mothers-in-law pay careful attention to the daughters-in-law by regulating their outgoings, however as the daughters-in-law start carrying out the duty of household affairs (cooking, giving childbirth), they withdrew their interest in the family matters itself. According to the results of an investigation, to the prodigious number of 7 out of 21 internationally married female immigrants remained ignorant of the monthly income of one’s home. This reflects not the relationship of companion or that of equality, but the hierarchy formed within the husband and wife. The husbands of the internationally married women immigrants, who fail to establish recognition and realization towards their wives end up giving oneself up to on-line chatting and computer games till late hours, instead of having conversation or discussing about the rearing of children. Even if the problems between the couple become dissolved, especially the female immigrant raising the child born between the husband and the former wife tends to find difficulty in the relationship with the child and the burden of bringing up. In addition, even if the child was the one oneself has given birth to, there were many women who worried the possibility of the child looking down on them for them not being fluent in Korean.

Chapter 5. Conclusion : The Reality of the Inter-national Marriage and the Multi-Culture
Because of the large differences between the satisfying images before they come to Korea, actually due to the so-called “Korean Wave”, and after international marriage immigrants experienced the dissonant reality, they start to face tough circumstances because of the various cultural obstacles. Adding on, they study Korean and households, not to make herself a “Korean”, but to follow the demands of the husband’s family. Furthermore, this process delays if the immigrant gets pregnant in two years. Diverse associations and the ministries manage the international matchmaking programs. However, comparing to these assistances, the production of Korean textbooks for Vietnamese and Cambodian immigrants are very often delayed. Thus, the unavoidable and cardinal task for us to perform is to aid the immigrants for international marriage so that they could be successfully adapted to the Korean society.

참고문헌 (Reference)
