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병원경영관리 종사자의 고용불안이 직무만족에 미치는 영향과 자기효능감 및 통제위치의 조절효과 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

본 연구는 병원경영관리 종사자들의 개인적인 측면을 고려하여 조직차원의 인적자원 관리를 위한 시사점을 제공하고자 병원조직에서 조직내부․외부고객과의 최초접점이면서 최종접...

본 연구는 병원경영관리 종사자들의 개인적인 측면을 고려하여 조직차원의 인적자원 관리를 위한 시사점을 제공하고자 병원조직에서 조직내부․외부고객과의 최초접점이면서 최종접점이 되는 병원경영관리 종사자들을 대상으로 고용불안이 직무만족에 미치영향자기효능감 및 자기통제위치의 조절효과를 파악해보고자 하였다. 분석방법은 SPSS 통계프로그램을 이용하여 대상자 특성별로 직무만족, 고용불안, 자기효능감, 자기통제위치에 대한 인식을 살펴보았고, 고용불안이 직무만족에 미치영향과 자기효능감 및 자기통제위치의 조절효과를 파악하기 위하여 평균중심화방법(Mean Centering method)을 사용하여 3단계 모형의 조절회귀분석을 실시하였다. 인적자원의 효율적 관리와 활용은 어느 조직이던 간에 최고의 경영성과를 얻기 위한 매우 중요한 전략적이고 핵심적인 요소이다. 따라서 병원조직차원에서는 포괄적 관리체계나 개인 스스로의 능력에 의한 조직참여를 지양하고, 각 개인의 역량을 활용할 수 있는 관리체계 방안과 조직문화를 고려해 볼 필요성이 제기된다.

The purpose of the research was to provide implications on organizational leveled human resource administration, with the consideration of personal sides of those engaged in hospital administration management, targeted administration management employ...

The purpose of the research was to provide implications on organizational leveled human resource administration, with the consideration of personal sides of those engaged in hospital administration management, targeted administration management employers who are the first and the last point of contact with clients both inside and outside of the organization within the hospital to understand the influence of employment instability on job satisfaction and moderator effect of self-efficacy and self-locus of control. For this, 173 general administration employees and 298 hospital administration, a total of 471 people in 25 medical institutions above the level of hospital was targeted for analysis of investigation. Method of analysis was used SPSS statistical program to take a look at the cognition about job satisfaction, employment instability, self-efficacy and self-Locus of control, also to understand the effects of employment instability on job satisfaction and moderator effect of self-efficacy and self-Locus of control by Moderator Regression analysis’ 3 leveled model utilizing Mean Centering method. Study participants’ job satisfaction, employment instability, self-efficacy and self-regulation position was like the following. First, the level of job satisfaction was above average with some variations according to their duty field and type of working medical institution. Second, the level of employment instability was below average with some variations according to their duty field and type of working medical institution. Third, the level of self-efficacy was above average with some variations according to their duty field and type of working medical institution. Fourth, the level of self-locus of control exceeded the average a bit with some variations according to their duty field, gender, age, overall clinical career and type of working medical institution. The effects of employment instability on job satisfaction and moderator effect of self-efficacy and self-locus of control, according to their duty field in different types of working medical institution, was like the following. First, when medical institution they work at is a university hospital, general administration and hospital duty workers did not show effects of employment instability on job satisfaction and moderator effect of self-efficacy and self-locus of control. Second, when medical institution they work at is a general hospital, general administration workers did not show effects of employment instability on job satisfaction and self-efficacy and and moderator effect of self-efficacy and self-locus of control. However, hospital duty workers had significant effect on employment instability on job satisfaction, and did not show moderator effect of self-efficacy and self-locus of control. Third, when medical institution they work at is a hospital, general administration and hospital duty workers did not show effects of employment instability on job satisfaction and moderator effect of self-efficacy and self-locus of control. Fourth, when medical institution they work at is a geriatric hospital, general administration workers did not show effects of employment instability on job satisfaction and moderator effect of self-efficacy and self-locus of control. For hospital duty workers did not show effects of employment instability on job satisfaction, but self-efficacy has regulatory effects on the relationship between employment instability and job satisfaction. To sum up the results above, though workers of general administration and hospital duty has self-locus of control or self-efficacy, there is almost no regulation effect on employment instability effecting Jon satisfaction. However, job satisfaction of organization members is an important factor for evaluation of smooth organizational operation, also to achieve groups’ goal efficiently and for the group to subsist lots of factors should interact harmoniously. Efficient management of human resources, regardless of the group, is an important tactical and core factor to achieve the maximum management result. Thus, inclusive management system or group engagement based on individual ability should be sublated at hospital organization level, and the need to consider the organizational culture and a management system plan which utilize the capabilities of each individual is posed.
