
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The teaching of words and expressions is the main part of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Korean students in Chinese speech applications exchange bias and the emergence of two speak their own characteristics of Chinese and Korean have intimate relationship. Through the comparative analysis on their own process of Chinese and Korean state words, discuss teaching methods useful for Korean students. Chinese word quite in Korean "onomatopoeia", both of which can reach expression lively, intuitive, abstract and other consequences, and mimicry and status of words can set of parts of speech, furthermore, Korean simulant word meaning, effect and Chinese word is very similar to, so can be attributed to the same vocabulary group. In the past, scholars on the status of the word is important to the study of the main body, but from the point of view of the situation of Chinese and Korean studies are very few, the results of the study of the situation of foreign words are not much. Through the comparative analysis on their own process of Chinese and Korean state words, discuss teaching methods useful for Korean students. In this , the performance of the color of the word based, to stop the comparative analysis and research, this kind of vocabulary is very representative, but did not get the value, few people study. Hope this article to this kind of speech exchange as an example, to explore the useful foreign language teaching methods and progress Korea students used in daily life of words. To the thought of Chinese status words and Korean onomatopoeia stop comparing research, will be beneficial to the difference between the parts of speech in both languages. Especially the performance of color words, the vocabulary is very characteristic, has certain representativeness, of this kind of speech exchange study, on the improvement of Chinese as a foreign language teaching approach, sponsored the quintessence of Han students better understand and application of words will have sponsorship.


摘要 6-7 ABSTRACT 7 第一章 引言 8-17 第一节 选题背景和选题意义 8-9 第二节 探讨重点和探讨措施 9 第三节 探讨综述 9-17 第二章 汉语状态词概述 17-26 第一节 汉语状态词的定义 17-19 第二节 汉语状态词的特征 19-26 第三章 韩语拟态词概述 26-34 第一节 韩语拟态词的定义 26-27 第二节 韩语拟态词的特征 27-34 第四章 汉韩颜色类状态词的对比略论 34-52 第一节 颜色类状态词语义略论 34-47 第二节 颜色类状态词的句法功能 47-52 第五章 对韩颜色类状态词教学对策 52-57 第一节 颜色类状态词教学策略 52-54 第二节 颜色类状态词教学措施 54-55 第三节 颜色类状态词教学案例 55-57 结语 57-59 参考文献 59-63 附录 63-78 致谢 78-79 学位论文评阅及答辩情况表 79
