跟着中国经济实力的赓续增加,汉语活着界上的作用力也愈来愈年夜,这一点在只要一海之隔的近邻韩国身上表示得尤其显著。这场产生在韩国的“汉语热”始于2002年,这一年韩国的汉语进修者敏捷增长,韩语论文题目,而汉语也“打败”日语成为在韩国除英语以外最受迎接的第二外语。韩国与中国自古以来就有着千丝万缕的接洽,在韩语中还存在着汉字词这一特别的部门,而从某种水平上说,韩语汉字词与汉语是同源的,是以,韩国粹生在汉语进修的进程中会占领必定的优势,然则由于韩汉的辞汇系统之间差别的存在又会使韩国粹生碰到欧美先生所不会碰到的成绩。本文将以比较剖析实际作为根据,将韩语的汉字词与汉语词语停止比较与剖析,从而将研究结果应用到对韩汉语教授教养中,终究找到处理韩国粹生辞汇偏误的办法。本文第一部门将对韩语汉字词停止体系的引见,免费韩语论文,包含其界说、起源和是若何遭到汉语的作用的。第二部门是本文的重点部门,这一部门将会把韩语汉字词与汉语词语停止体系的比拟,依据词语的词义和词形可以将词语分为同形同义词、同形异义词、同义异形词三年夜类,个中同形异义词又可以分为部门异义和完整异义两种,同义异形词可分为同素逆序词、形状部门雷同词和形状完整分歧词三种,以上几种都将在第二部门停止具体的剖析和解释。第三部门将略论因为韩语汉字词与汉语词语的差别所招致的辞汇偏误的缘由。最初一部门将会对韩国粹生涌现的辞汇偏误提出响应的处理措施。 Abstract: As the growth of China's economic strength ceaselessly, Chinese living circles of influence is getting more and more of the eve, this point in as long as nearest neighbor separated by a sea of Korea was especially significant. This "Chinese fever", which was produced in South Korea, began in 2002, with the rapid growth of Chinese learners in South Korea in the year, while the Chinese also "defeated" Japanese as the second most popular foreign language in Korea. South Korea and China since ancient times has a closely approached, in Korean there are Chinese words in this special section, from certain level say, Korean words and Chinese characters is homologous to the is, the quintessence of Han students in Chinese learning process will occupy a certain advantage, however, due to the Chinese and Korean vocabulary differences between system exists will make Korea student met Mr. Europe and the United States will not encounter the results. This will to comparative analysis of actual as based on the Korean words and Chinese characters word Stop comparison and analysis, which will research results are applied to the Korean and Chinese teaching, after all, to find methods to deal with Korea student vocabulary errors. Introduction the first part of the goalkeeper of Chinese words in Korean language system, including its definition, origin and is how under Chinese influence. The second section is the key section of this , the goalkeeper will the Korean words and Chinese characters word system of analogy, according to the morphology and the meaning of the phrase can be words into isomorphic synonyms, with homonymy, synonymy in words the eve of the three categories, medium homographs and divided into Department of homograph and complete homonyms two, synonyms word can be points for inverse morphemes words, shape Department similar words and shapes different word three, these will in the second sector stop concrete analysis and explanation. Third goalkeeper analysis because of the difference between Chinese and Korean words and words caused by the error of the vocabulary of the reason. Originally a goalkeeper of Korea student emerging vocabulary errors and puts forward the treatment method of the response. 目录: 摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5 绪论 8-10 0.1 探讨背景 8 0.2 探讨目的及意义 8 0.3 探讨内容 8-9 0.4 探讨措施 9-10 第1章 韩语汉字词的形成 10-17 1.1 韩语汉字词的定义 10-11 1.2 韩语汉字词的来源 11-14 1.2.1 源自中国的韩语汉字词 12-13 1.2.2 源自日本的韩语汉字词 13 1.2.3 韩国本土自产的汉字词 13-14 1.3 汉语对韩语汉字词的作用 14-16 1.4 韩语汉字词的探讨近况 16-17 第2章 韩语的汉字词与汉语词语的比较 17-24 2.1 同形同义词 18-19 2.2 同形异义词 19-21 2.2.1 同形部分异义 19-20 2.2.2 同形完全异义 20-21 2.3 同义异形词 21-24 2.3.1 同义同素逆序词 21 2.3.2 形态部分相同的同义词 21-22 2.3.3 形态完全不同的同义词 22-24 第3章 由韩语汉字词引起的偏误的原因略论 24-30 3.1 母语负迁移 24-26 3.2 词汇教学措施不够合理 26-27 3.3 教材的编写不够科学 27-28 3.4 对工具书的运用具有盲目性 28-30 第4章 针对由韩语汉字词所引起的词汇偏误的解决办法 30-33 4.1 词汇教学注重韩语汉字词与汉语词语之间的对比 30 4.2 词汇教学注重汉语词语的搭配 30-31 4.3 词汇教学利用情景设置、词不离句 31-32 4.4 编写对韩汉语教材,实行按国别分班 32-33 结论 33-34 参考文献 34-36 致谢 36-37 |