本研究剖析了韩语系教导现状,并剖析了其成绩和成绩存在的缘由,依据剖析成果设计了一套反应后古代主义教导理念的韩语系柔性教导课程体系体例。第一章是绪论,包含研究的需要性和先行研究的剖析。后古代主义实际作为教导课程研究的新实际,获得了普遍的认同。现阶段本国语教导范畴运用到该实际的情形比拟少,起步较晚的韩语教导课程更不消说。所以本研究有他的需要性。第二章,韩语论文范文,考核了现行教导课程研究的时态,并剖析了其成绩和缘由。现行韩语教导课程深受构造主义说话学、认知主义心思学和古代主义教导课程理念的作用。故在教导课程层面有着寻求相对性、肯定性、构造性的偏向,在教室上强调注入式教导。第三章,考核了后古代主义教导课程实际。即引见和剖析后古代主义教导课程实际的出生、其主意和情势等。作为构造主义成长延续的后古代主义,作用着许多范畴,特殊是对教导课程范畴主意丰硕性、回归性、严谨性、连接性。第四章,试图依据后古代主义教导课程理念,建构韩语系柔性教导课程。在教导课程的目的、内容、情况、实行和评价方面表现教导课程理念,韩语论文网站,扶植韩语教导课程体系体例。第五章为结论,总结了本研究的内容和主意,扼要的论述本研究缺乏的地方。本研究是依据新教导课程理念的本国语教导课程建构计划,信任有必定的价值。 Abstract: The research analysis of the Korean professional teaching present situation, and analyzes the results and performance of the existing reason, on the basis of the analysis of the results of designing a reaction to modernism to teach the concept of Korean professional flexible teaching curriculum system style. The first chapter is the introduction, including research and analysis of the need to advance research. Postmodernism as a new practical teaching practical curriculum research, obtained the universal identity. At this stage the Mandarin teaching category is applied to the actual situation is less, the late start of the Korean teaching curriculum not to mention. So this study has his needs. The second chapter, the current teaching assessment in curriculum research tenses, and analyses the problems and reasons. The current Korean taught courses by structuralism learning to speak, cognitive psychology and modern teaching curriculum. So in the course taught level has a certain relativity, seek constructive and bias in the classroom teaching emphasizes injection. The third chapter, the evaluation of Postmodernism Curriculum practical teaching. The presentation and analysis of Postmodernism Curriculum teaching actual situation, and the idea was born. As structuralism continues to grow in the after modernism, affecting many areas, especially to the teaching idea of curriculum category rich, regression, rigorous and connectivity. The fourth chapter attempts based on Postmodernism Curriculum teaching concept, constructing flexible Korean professional education courses. In the course teaches the purpose, content, implementation and evaluation aspects of teaching curriculum ideas and foster Korean teaching curriculum system style. The fifth chapter is the conclusion, summarizes the content and ideas of this study, this study briefly discussed the lack of place. This study is based on the new curriculum idea to teach native language teaching curriculum construction plan, trust has a certain value. 目录: 摘要 7-8 目录 9-11 正文 11-65 参考文献 65-69 致谢 69-71 |