
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


In this , the ancient Korean and Chinese verbs as the object of study, the study of Korean and Chinese decomposition of verbs and the basic length of the method of comparative study. The basic idea is to apply the statistical and comparative methods, from the Korean and Chinese decomposition of the verb concept and classification, according to the classification of the Korean and Chinese decomposition of the verb composition method. In fact, an important application of shape theory, traditional rhetoric, grammar theory, comparative study to speak of the argument in this thesis according to the actual. This is divided into four chapters. Chapter 1 introduction. A brief description of the research significance of this , introduced the object of this , first discussion, research scale and research methods. The second chapter of the actual conditions. This chapter illustrates the the theory base, defines the definition verb decomposition and the decomposition of the verb type of division, and the coherence of the shape and the system of speech are discussed on coherent fundamental indecent point and the actual. Comparison of the third chapters of the Korean and Chinese decomposition of verbs. In the middle and focus of this . In the second chapter, the basic theory of the combination of the characteristics of the verb and the shape of the structure, detailed analysis and comparison of the Korean Han decomposition of the composition of the verb. The fourth chapter conclusion. Summary of the full text of the point of view, and pointed out that the future needs to be further research results. Based on the statistical and evaluation of the Korean and Chinese decomposition verbs, this has the following results: 1. The number of the decomposed verbs in Korean is equivalent to 1 / 3 of Chinese. Two. The special characteristics of the cohesive elements in korean. Three. Differences in the production of Korean and Chinese word formation methods. In the past Korean decomposition of the verb research highlights the important semantic structure study, on decomposition of the verb word method (external structure research is not too much, shape and the system of rhetoric combined stop decomposition verb formation method of research is more rare. This article from the shape theory and the unification of the speech, and strive to explore and sum up the Korean Han Chinese word formation methods and discipline, and the desire to further Korean and Chinese decomposition of verbs in order to provide the difference between the supply of grammar.


摘要 7-8 Abstract 8-9 目录 10-12 正文 12-52 参考文献 52-55 致谢 55-56 附录 56-65
