本文经由过程比拟“得”字补语句在日语和韩语中的对应,发明比拟于韩语,日语在“得”字补语句上的对应和汉语更加接近,由此提出本文的习得假定。最初经由过程对输入情形和偏误情形的比较,证实年夜部门的句式和假定符合,小部门的句式能够遭到其他身分的作用有所收支。因此,以为比较剖析实际固然出缺陷,然则对于汉语教授教养照样有指点意义的。同时,也愿望在对外汉语教授教养中,研究者和教员都可以或许认识到日韩先生的习得异同,在教授教养中有差别地看待。本文共分为八章:第一章,引言,交卸了选题的意义、资料起源、研究办法这些根本信息。第二章,相干研究综述,回想了研究者在“得”的本体和二语教授教养方面的研究。第三章,“得”字补语句的分类。经由过程对“得”字补语句已有分类的剖析评论辩论,联合教授教养,将“得”字补语句分为2两类11小类。第四章,“得”字补语句在日语和韩语中的对应情势。经由过程说话比较,发明日语和韩语在“得”字补语句句式对应上的分歧点和雷同点,而且据此提出本文的习得假定。第五章,日韩先生“得”字补语句输入情形剖析及比较。剖析日韩先生“得”字补语句各句式输入情形,并与本族语者的运用情形尴尬刁难比,得出日本先生和韩国粹生句式输入的分歧和差别。第六章,日韩先生“得”字补语句运用偏误剖析。对日韩先生在11个句式中涌现的偏误停止剖析并归类。最初在比较中发明他们的差别。第七章,韩语论文题目,习得假定的验证及教授教养建议。在这章中本文联合日韩先生“得”字补语句的输入和偏误来证实习得假定,终究年夜部门的句式获得了验证。第八章,结语。总结全文的重要内容,缺陷与缺乏。 Abstract: This article through the process of analogy "" word complement sentences in Japanese and Korean corresponding, the invention compared to Korean, Japanese in the "gain" word complement sentence and the corresponding Chinese closer, so the assumption of the acquisition. First through the process of the input situation and the bias of the comparison, confirmed that the majority of the sentence and the assumption that the Department of the sentence can be a small section of the impact of other factors. Therefore, it is thought that the comparative analysis of the actual defect, but on the teaching of Chinese language teaching still has the significance of the. At the same time, the desire to teach Chinese in foreign language, researchers and teachers may be able to recognize the differences in the acquisition of mr.. This is divided into eight chapters: the first chapter, introduction, relinquished the topics of the meaning, origin, methods of research, the basic information. The second chapter, the review of relevant research, recall the researcher in the "get" ontology and the two language teaching research. In the third chapter, the classification of "de" sentence. Through the process of "get" the analysis of the existing classification of the sentence has been discussed, the joint teaching, "get" the word complement is divided into two categories 11 small class. In the fourth chapter, the corresponding form of "de" in Japanese and korean. Through the comparison of the process, the invention of the Japanese and Korean in the "get" sentence pattern corresponding to the different points and the same point, and accordingly proposed the acquisition of this assumption. In the fifth chapter, the analysis and comparison of the input situation of the "get" word complement sentence. Analysis of Japan and South Korea, "" word complement sentence the sentence input, and with native speakers used an awkward situation difficult that Mr. Japan and Korea the differences and differences in the input sentence. The sixth chapter, Japan and South Korea, "get" the use of the word complement sentence error analysis. Analysis and classification of the errors in the emergence of Japan and South Korea in the 11 sentence patterns. At first, the difference was found in the comparison. The seventh chapter, the acquisition of the assumption of verification and teaching suggestions. In this chapter, we combine the input of the "get" and the partial error of the complement of the word "get" the practice was assumed, after all, the majority of the sentence pattern was verified. The eighth chapter is the conclusion. Summary of the full text of the important content, defects and lack of. 目录: 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 第一章 引言 7-9 1.1 选题的意义和价值 7 1.2 材料来源和探讨措施 7-9 第二章 相关探讨综述 9-12 2.1 对比略论、语言迁移和偏误略论的理论 9 2.2 对于“得”的探讨综述 9-12 第三章 “得”字补语句的分类 12-18 3.1 已有的教学分类 12-13 3.2 本文的分类 13-18 第四章 “得”字补语句在日语和韩语中的对应 18-30 4.1 “得”字补语句在日语和韩语中的对应形式 18-27 4.2 “得”字补语句在日韩语中的对应统计 27-29 4.3 日韩学生“得”字补语句的习得假设 29-30 第五章 日韩学生“得”字补语句输出情况略论及对比 30-43 5.1 日本学生“得”字补语句输出情况及统计略论 30-34 5.1.1 日本学生“得”字补语句输出情况 30-32 5.1.2 日本学生“得”字补语句输出的统计略论 32-34 5.2 韩国学生“得”字补语句输出情况及统计略论 34-37 5.2.1 韩国学生“得”字补语句输出情况 34-36 5.2.2 韩国学生“得”字补语句输出的统计略论 36-37 5.3 本族语者“得”字补语句使用情况及统计略论 37-39 5.4 日韩学生与本族语者“得”字补语句使用情况比较与略论 39-43 5.4.1 比例差的比较 40-41 5.4.2 具体输出情况的比较 41-42 5.4.3 日韩“得”字补语句输出情况比较的总结 42-43 第六章 日韩学生“得”字补语句使用偏误略论 43-55 6.1 日本学生“得”字补语句使用偏误及统计略论 43-47 6.1.1 日本学生“得”字补语句使用偏误 43-45 6.1.2 日本学生“得”字补语句偏误的统计略论 45-47 6.2 韩国学生“得”字补语句使用偏误 47-51 6.2.1 韩国学生“得”字补语句使用偏误 47-49 6.2.2 韩国学生“得”字补语句偏误的统计略论 49-51 6.3 日韩学生“得”字补语句使用偏误对比 51-55 6.3.1 从偏误率看日韩学生的“得”字补语句偏误 52-53 6.3.2 从偏误种类看日韩学生的“得”字补语句偏误 53-54 6.3.3 日韩学生“得”字补语句偏误对比小结 54-55 第七章 习得假设的验证及教学建议 55-59 7.1 习得假设的验证 55-58 7.1.1 从输出情况看习得情况 55-56 7.1.2 从偏误情况看习得情况 56 7.1.3 结合输出情况和偏误情况看习得情况 56-58 7.2 对课堂教学的启示 58-59 第八章 结语 59-60 注释 60-61 参考文献 61-63 附录一 63-64 后记 64-65 |