
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Complement is a concentrated expression of Chinese grammatical features. Predicate complement structure not only reflects the Chinese smart features, reflects the characteristics of Chinese thrift, combined with its complement of dexterity and semantic expression diversity actually make the Chinese native leave Mr. feel confused. Learn learning Chinese for many years have reached the goal can be exchanged, but usually a slip in the application of complement, Chinese people listen awkward, but also hinder on the application of authentic Chinese, especially impairs the desire to reach a higher degree of Chinese learning the Chinese language level of progress. In addition, the predicate complement structure is unique to the Chinese, Korean without this kind of syntactic structure, is the situation and significance of the complement to the quintessence of Han is unfamiliar, learning Chinese complement hard more, error is greater. The data from Beijing speaking university developed "HSK static composition corpus 1 edition". The research object of this is the 315 sentence as the complement of the result complement. This of the 315 sentence stop the refined query visits, analysis, trying to find Korea student in the application of the results of the complement error types, understand and control Korea student Chinese complement sentence acquisition process exist errors in detail. While exploring the Korea student results complement errors occurred an important reason, medium focus on L1 Negative Transfer of the quintessence of Korean students learning results complement the influence to stop Chinese result complement the grammatical meaning in Korean said the situation of research, find Han quintessence of mother language negative transfer effect type. First put forward some teaching suggestions according to the difficulty of Korea student learning achievement complement. In order to contribute to the progress of Korea student achievement and the degree of complement teaching effectiveness. And study Korean said corresponding methods of Chinese result complement, the progress of teaching targeted, speculation, correct Korea student application complement occurs when the error.


摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 1 引言 8-10 1.1 探讨对象与选题理由 8-9 1.2 探讨价值 9 1.3 基本框架 9-10 2 汉语结果补语探讨综述 10-18 2.1 补语和述补结构的定义 10-11 2.2 句法平面上的探讨 11-12 2.2.1 述补结构能否带宾语 11 2.2.2 宾语和补语的搭配形式 11-12 2.3 语义平面上的探讨 12-16 2.3.1 结果补语的语义解释 12-13 2.3.2 结果补语的语义限制 13-14 2.3.3 结果补语的语义指向 14-16 2.4 语用平面上的探讨 16-17 2.4.1 补语的语用略论 16 2.4.2 补语和状语在语用上的比较 16-17 2.5 偏误略论探讨概述 17-18 2.6 小结 18 3 韩国使用结果补语偏误类型略论 18-35 3.1 遗漏结果补语 19-24 3.1.1 补语语义上的分类 19-20 虚化补语的遗漏 19-20 实义补语的遗漏 20 3.1.2 句法上的分类 20-24 句中表示的时间里动作还没完成时出现遗漏 20-22 跟表示完结的词语连用时出现遗漏 22-23 在特殊句式中出现遗漏 23-24 3.2 遗漏述语 24-25 3.3 误加 25-28 3.3.1 补语重复 25 3.3.2 搭配不当 25-27 3.3.3 认错重点 27 3.3.4 不表示结果而用结果补语 27-28 3.4 误用 28-30 3.4.1 该用补语而用状语,该用状语而用补语 28 3.4.2 状语和补语的混用 28-29 3.4.3 错序 29-30 3.4.4 其他误用 30 3.5 小结 30-35 3.5.1 偏误统计表 30-31 3.5.2 按汉语水平考试成绩排列的偏误统计表 31-33 3.5.3 偏误率高的结果补语用词统计 33-35 4 韩国使用结果补语偏误产生原因略论 35-46 4.1 韩语里没有与汉语类似的补语形式 35-36 4.2 对结果补语的意义理解不到位 36-39 4.2.1 对结果补语的虚化意义理解不到位 36 4.2.2 虚化补语和实义补语在韩语中的体现形式不同 36-37 4.2.3 补语的意义不同在韩语中体现形式不同 37-39 4.3 汉语结果补语和韩语动词过去式等同 39-40 4.3.1 在句中对时态的认识不一致 39-40 4.3.2 对完成和结果之间关系的理解不同 40 4.4 借用韩语中的语法形式表现汉语中的结果补语 40-42 4.4.1 用韩语中的状语表现汉语结果补语 41 4.4.2 用韩语中的述语表现汉语结果补语 41-42 4.4.3 汉语译为韩语后结果补语消失 42 4.5 混淆结果补语和表示完结的词语 42-44 4.5.1 混淆结果补语和“以后” 43 4.5.2 混淆结果补语和“了” 43-44 4.6 过度泛化 44 4.7 在教材上的疏漏 44-45 4.7.1 对结果补语所表示的多种语义解释不够 44-45 4.7.2 对于结果补语和其他相似的语法点的比较不够 45 4.8 小结 45-46 5 教学建议 46-52 5.1 微观上的教学对策 46-49 5.1.1 重视结果补语意义、用法的比较教学 46-47 5.1.2 注重汉韩关系义的对比略论 47-48 5.1.3 加强结果补语和其他相似的语法点的对比探讨 48-49 5.1.4 参考结果补语在韩语中体现形式 49 5.2 宏观上的教学对策 49-52 5.2.1 教学在反馈信息上具备针对性 49-50 5.2.2 教学要细致周到 50 5.2.3 注意篇章和语用上的偏误 50-51 5.2.4 教师主动弥补教材的缺陷 51-52 参考文献 52-55 后记 55
