
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


South Korea in the geographical position and adjacent to China, as early as the beginning of the year BC to receive Chinese characters, as its important text. Sejong King created real Korean text, Chinese characters are still widely used, and in all the South Korean speaking civilization career occupied pivotal position. So, it has a very important meaning to study the same form of Han Han in Chinese, and to compare and analyze the two words in the system. Through the process of "picking up the Chinese" comprehensive textbook 3 of the words to stop statistics, classification, to find the Han Han with the form of words. The analysis of the number and proportion of the same form of Han Han, summarizes the main effects of the same form of Chinese and Korean in the teaching of Chinese words in korean. Han Han and homographs are divided into two categories: 1, the same shape synonyms 2, homograph. The synonyms in the same form are divided into 1 parts according to the parts of speech: 2. Homograph according to the meaning of the difference between dividend three categories: 1, Chinese word meaning more than the meaning of Korean 2, Korean words than Chinese word meaning 3. The meaning of Chinese and korean. In of Korean Chinese homographs comparison analysis results basically, take the error analysis and other methods, to Chinese and Korean homographs second speak acquisition situation carries on the analysis, summed up Chinese and Korean words acquisition error types and analysis lead to deviation of mother tongue migration and other reasons. Through the process of classification analysis, summarizes the types and characteristics of all kinds of words, questionnaire combined test situation assessment Mr. of the word learning conditions, and Mr. questionnaire to test the error analysis, summed up the errors occurring reason and the migration effect. Eventually find out effective of Han Chinese with the teaching strategy for the word form the morpheme teaching method, activation of Korean lexical, meaning difference teaching method, initially through the process for a long time teaching strategic approaches to test, through procedure for testing the questionnaire of the situation to verify this teaching strategy is feasible and scientific. In order to supply the theoretical experience of the teaching of the same form of Chinese and korean. And Korea student learning Chinese homographs offers certain reference significance.


摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 一.绪论 7-11 1.1 探讨目的 7 1.2 探讨的范围和措施 7-10 1.2.1 探讨范围 7-8 1.2.2 探讨措施 8-10 1.3 选题的理论意义和实际意义 10-11 1.3.1 选题的理论意义 10 1.3.2 选题的实际意义 10-11 二.汉韩同形词的对比略论与分类 11-14 2.1 汉韩同形词定义及地位 11-13 2.1.1 汉韩同形词定义 11 2.1.2 汉韩同形词在对外汉语教学中的地位 11-13 2.2 汉韩同形词的分类 13-14 2.2.1 同形同义 13 2.2.2 同形异义 13-14 三:同形同义词及第二语言习得调查 14-27 3.1 同形同义词分类(按词性) 14-21 3.1.1 同形同义同性 14-20 3.1.2 同形同义不同性 20-21 3.2 同形同义词习得情况略论及正迁移影响 21-27 3.2.1 同形同义词的习得略论 21-26 3.2.2 同形同义词的正迁移影响 26-27 四:同形异义词及第二语言习得调查 27-43 4.1 同形异义词分类(按词义) 27-34 4.1.1 汉语词义多于韩语词义 28-31 4.1.2 韩语词义多于汉语词义 31-33 4.1.3 汉韩词义所指不同 33-34 4.2 同形异义词习得情况略论 34-39 4.2.1 问卷测试略论 34-38 4.2.2 课堂教学测试 38-39 4.3 同形异义词的负迁移 39-43 4.3.1 负迁移产生原因 39-40 4.3.2 同形异义词负迁移类型 40-43 五.汉韩同形词的教学策略略论和验证 43-53 5.1 汉韩同形词教学策略 43-48 5.1.1 同形同义词教学策略 43-46 5.1.2 同形异义词教学策略 46-48 5.2 汉韩同形词教学策略验证 48-53 5.2.1 问卷测试结果对比 48-50 5.2.2 问卷测试结果略论 50-53 六.结论 53-54 附:汉韩同形词问卷测试 54-56 参考文献 56-57 后记 57-58
