
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Analogy is one of the fundamental ways for people to know the world. "Than" sentence is the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language a match the main grammar points and ordinary students studying in the lower stage will be exposed to, because it has a variety of diverse said situation and internal semantic, it also become left Mr. learning a difficult. In this , through the process of South Korea to the lower degree of inquiry, according to the nature of the error of the wrong type is attributed to seven kinds, and the Chinese "than" words and Korean "?"" Sentence, that lead to these errors happen reason to carry on the analysis, this basically proposed low level, the Republic of Korea, leaving Mr. "than" words of some teaching strategies, in hopes of our foreign language teaching supply some sponsorship.


致谢 4-5 论文摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 第一章 引言 9-13 1.1 问题的提出 9-10 1.2 探讨范围 10-12 1.3 探讨措施与步骤 12-13 1.3.1 探讨措施 12 1.3.2 探讨步骤 12-13 第二章 前人对“比”字句的探讨 13-15 第三章 调查设计 15-18 3.1 调查对象 15 3.2 调查方案 15 3.3 调查卷设计 15-16 3.4 数据统计 16-17 3.5 调查题 17-18 第四章 调查结果及偏误略论 18-30 4.1 韩国学生偏误句举例 18-22 4.2 韩国学生使用“比”字句出现的偏误类型及原因略论 22-30 4.2.1 错序偏误 22-24 4.2.2 遗漏偏误 24 4.2.3 误加偏误 24-26 4.2.4 句式杂糅 26 4.2.5 词语误用偏误 26-28 4.2.6 “不比”的语义特征不明 28-29 4.2.7 其他偏误 29-30 第五章 汉韩“比”字句对比略论 30-47 5.1 汉韩差比句对比略论 30-44 5.1.1 汉、韩语差比句中“比较标记”位置的对比 30-33 5.1.2 汉、韩差比句“比较项”的对比 33-34 5.1.3 汉、韩差比句宾语的对比 34-36 5.1.4 汉、韩差比句谓语的对比 36-38 5.1.5 汉、韩差比句补语的对比 38-39 5.1.6 汉、韩差比句程度副词的对比 39-40 5.1.7 汉、韩差比句否定形式的对比 40-44 5.2 汉语的“了”与韩国语的“□□/□□”的对比 44-47 第六章 教学对策及建议 47-51 6.1 难度及教材编排 47-48 6.2 凸显汉韩异同,强化难点教学 48-50 6.3 结语 50-51 参考文献 51-53 附录 53-55
