
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The application of syntax, semantics, pragmatics and cognitive talk science theories and methods on on Chinese comparative sentences in the relatively comprehensive and systematic study. Note a total of four chapters. The first chapter reviews the debate than words in the two most basic elements of the concept (comparison and conclusion items) syntactic representation and semantic actions, focusing on assessment than words two analogy symmetry and PI perverted said dispersion caused by all kinds of syntactic structure situation. In addition, this chapter also relatively detailed field analysis of prescription on the syntactic representation and semantic constraints. The second chapter focuses on the comparison of the comparative aspects and the types of the debate. More important than words with characters of analogy, personification, analogy method measures the number of three types. Compared to the words can not only show the purity of the comparison, but also to show for example, comparison. On the other hand, it was more than the words of pure performance contrast, in a pattern it can also show pole ratio. In addition, this chapter also discusses the "X Z" and "X Y Y Z" is the two function of different contrast pattern. In the third chapter, from the perspectives of syntax, semantics and pragmatics, to the "no" sentence and "than" sentence the two comparative sentences denied situation the comparative analysis and comprehensive assessment, emphasizes on the the two denied situation the pragmatic functions of the difference. The fourth chapter, from the angle is learning to speak of Korean and Chinese comparative sentences stop analysis further remind the syntactic and semantic properties of Chinese comparative sentences. The main research methods of this paper are to describe and illustrate the comparison between the joint and the Korean and Chinese. The important conclusion of this paper is the following: (I) than words with four elements of the concept, that match item (including compared to subject and object match), conclusion, match marks and match point. The comparison point is the non essential component of the sentence, in the reality of the words can often be zero. On the other hand, based on the differences of discourse strategies, the comparison points in the sentence can be divided into different syntactic spread. (II) than words two match in the situation can be symmetrical, can also be called wrong. The symmetry and wrong call said often with ellipsis, implicit and syntactic shift. Semantic manipulation of intimacy. (III) than the words of the conclusion item has specific semantic request, as long as you can display the level or measure to change the characteristics of the components before they can enter the position. It is the first choice of the conclusion that the word is the absolute character of the sentence. In addition, other predicate components can also be used for the conclusion item of the sentence, because it can display the level difference or the measure change. (IV) "than" word structure ("/ than the comparison object) weekdays only act as adverbial modifier, which on the very big level is a kind of historical evolution of the products. (V) "X is more Y than Z" and "X is also Z than Y", is the pattern of the two kinds of efficacy differences. "X Z" is more than Y, but objectively present a comparative proposition, with no opinion or position on the wording of this proposition. And "x over y also Z" is a counter expectation sentence, it express a proposition of contrast at the same time also notes the wording of this proposition opinion or position. In other words, the "x over y more Z" limited, "said Chen, objectively, is a kind of objectivity sentences;" x over y also Z "focused on the objective of appearance, the objectivity of a sentence. On the other hand, compared with the word "more" and "also" the nature and efficacy are not identical. "X than y more Z", "more" is a proposition composition, its role is to place the proposition added information level, in syntax "more" belongs to the level adverb; "also" is not a proposition composition, its emergence or not, in fact, does not affect the a comparative proposition the truth value of the premise, "also" effect is expression wording of "x than YZ the proposition" opinions, positions or belief, it is a sign of anti pragmatic information about expected signs (against the anticipated sign), is to "also" grammatical attribute is not level adverb, but modal adverbs. (VI) denied expression of comparative sentences "no" sentence and sentence "than" two kinds of situation. The two sentence of denying semantic restrictions on the description of the conclusion item as there are differences. The conclusion of the "no" sentence is as long as the positive words can enter. The negative words need to have special context to enter the conclusion. In contrast, the conclusion of the "no - than" sentence is eccentric negative words, positive words for the "no - than" sentence conclusion of the text frequency is very low. This kind of absurd scene that originates from the two sentence of a discourse function difference. (V five) the pragmatic functions of "no" and "no more than" sentences are very different. "No" sentence is objectively shew a deny comparative thesis and themselves with the wording of this proposition opinion or position, is to it is a no marks of the objectivity of negative sentences. And instead, "than" sentence is a counter expectation sentence, it in Chen said a deny comparative proposition with wording of this proposition opinion or position is so it is a kind of a symbol of the objectivity of the negative sentences. Because of this, "no" words can be used to answer a short question, but "than" words cannot. (Prudential) Comparative Sentences in Chinese and Korean have many different types, one of the most important differences are (a) compared to mark grammatical attribute differences, the Chinese than

