
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


In the rich and complex social life, people's speech is not in any case exactly the same, but with the diplomatic areas, goals, obligations and other differences expressed different characteristics of each other. That's what we're saying. People all speak diplomacy movement are inseparable from certain style, style was restricted, compared with other styles of writing, letter writing in characteristic style tone, the use of words, grammar wrists have its unique characteristics. Can say, letter style is all kinds of styles. The most yonghu. How to use the letters or translation style accurately, which in foreign language teaching and translation are difficult. Is to the letter style as an important object of study, take the method of comparison of Chinese and Korean, through the process of large amount of data rectification, attributed, specifically on the stylistics of official were discussed in this paper. The full text of the important content includes the following aspects: in addition to the introduction and the conclusion, the second chapter of Chinese and Korean official style made on, contained in the style of the official definition, scope, classification and historical changes in. The third, 4 and five chapters are the focus of the whole paper. The third chapter is divided into five chapters: first section describes the origin of Chinese and Korean official vocabulary and stay point, and examination of the Korean native words and Chinese characters corresponding to the scene; the second section, review the debate of Korean native words and Chinese words corresponding; the third section of the same shape synonyms, with sector shaped synonym, synonym, six angle Nianye amount attributed the mutually corresponding words and Chinese characters word; in the fourth section, the important research object foreign words letter style; section 5 discusses the letter style in the frequent use of the phrase. In the fourth chapter, compare Chinese and Korean syntactic letter style, divided into sentences, sentence types in section two. The fifth chapter compares the style construct letter stop. To sum up, the paper study the future generations never to touch of Chinese and Korean official style comparison, the second is the corpus stopped a large amount of rectification, attributed, focus on the rectification and supply of the material. The desire to pass through the process of this paper for the future of higher education and teaching and translation and even practical research to provide a valuable reference.


第一章 绪论   9-14       第一节 探讨意义   9-10       第二节 探讨背景   10-12       第三节 探讨措施   12       第四节 语料来源   12-14   第二章 汉韩公文语体总论   14-25       第一节 公文语体的定义、分类   14-15       第二节 行政公文分类对比   15-18           1 中国行政公文分类   15-16           2 韩国行政公文分类   16-18       第三节 公文历史变迁   18-25           1 中国公文历史变迁   19-20           2 韩国公文历史变迁   20-25   第三章 公文语体词语对比   25-75       第一节 词语概论   26-34           1 词汇渊源   26-27           2 词汇特点   27-30               2.1 韩语固有词的特点   27               2.2 韩语汉字词的特点   27-30               2.3 韩语外来词的特点   30           3 韩语固有词与汉字词的对应   30-34       第二节 韩语固有词与汉语词的对应   34-44           1 代词   35-37           2 不完全名词   37-38           3 冠词   38           4 副词   38-39           5 补助动词   39-40           6 助词   40-44       第三节 汉字词与汉语词的对应   44-60           1 同形词   46-53               1.1 同形同义词   46-49               1.2 同形部分同义词   49-51               1.3 同形异义词   51-53           2 同义词   53-60               2.1 同义部分同形词   53-54               2.2 同义顺序颠倒词   54-55               2.3 同义完全异形词   55-60       第四节 外来词对比   60-68           1 汉韩外来词概况   60-61           2 汉韩外来词翻译模式对比   61-68               2.1 汉语意译、韩语借用外语音译   62-65               2.2 汉语意译、韩语用汉字词   65-66               2.3 汉韩音译义译相结合   66-67               2.4 外来缩略词的解释   67-68       第五节 公文常用词组对比   68-75           1 介词词组对比   68-71           2 “的”字词组对比   71-74           3 联合词组对比   74-75   第四章 公文语体句法对比   75-99       第一节 句类对比   76-83           1 陈述句   76-78           2 祈使句   78-81           3 疑问句   81-82           4 感叹句   82-83       第二节 句型对比   83-99           1 单句对比   84-88               1.1 主谓句   85-86               1.2 非主谓句   86-88           2 复句对比   88-99               2.1 联合复句   88-93                   2.1.1 并列句   88-90                   2.1.2 承接句   90-91                   2.1.3 递进句   91-92                   2.1.4 选择句   92-93               2.2 偏正复句   93-99                   2.2.1 因果句   93-94                   2.2.2 转折句   94-95                   2.2.3 假设句   95-96                   2.2.4 条件句   96-97                   2.2.5 目的句   97-99   第五章 公文语体结构对比   99-106       第一节 常用标题对比   100-102       第二节 公文正文对比   102-106           1 开头   102-104           2 结尾   104-106   第六章 结语   106-108   参考文献   108-116   附录   116-121       中国行政机构组织图   116-117       韩国治机构组织图   117-121  
