
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05
外语的进修包含发音、辞汇、语法三要素。个中,发音是最为主要的部门。韩国教导迷信技巧部依据聘请外教任务筹划即EPIK (English Program in Korea)筹划,1995年由京畿道教导厅率先启动,开端雇用了中文外教,聘任中文外教是为了不韩国粹生进修汉语进程中的一些毛病、并更加有用地进修汉语。本研究者经蔚山广域市教导厅的约请,2009年3月开端到2011年2月在韩国蔚山广域市教导厅所属8所高中上汉语课,经由过程两年的现实讲课及教授教养研究发明,不论是在中国照样在韩国,对外汉语方面的教授教养理论研究还属方才起步阶段,有关方面研究的需要性不问可知。截止2010年岁尾,经由过程韩国的各市、道教导厅约请,离开韩国初高中教汉语的中文外教共有127人。本研究者经由过程打德律风及查阅各市、道教导厅的有关聘任活用中文外教筹划书等教导厅相干公函,详细论述了中文外教的界说及资历,韩国国际中文外教的界说及资历前提,并经由过程查询拜访发明韩国国际中文外教的重要起源及现状,还有中文外教的营业内容及其感化等。本研究者作为中文外教在韩国的高中教导现场停止为期两年的汉语教授教养理论,依据汉语和韩语的元音子音身分的对比,详细剖析了韩国粹生汉语发音毛病,指出了有用的汉语发音指点办法和发音指点方面须要留意的处所。别的,经由过程对韩国粹生的问卷查询拜访发明,简直一切的韩国粹生以为很有需要聘任中文外教,乃至有56。7%的韩国粹生还愿望汉语课由中文外教全权担任讲课,另外还懂得到中文外教的感化及其意义异常年夜。总之,在韩国如许缺少运用汉语的说话情况中,聘请汉语外教停止汉语教授教养,可以或许天然而然地给先生营建据说汉语通俗话的机遇,从而进步先生的汉语沟通才能,并且,中文外教的聘请对韩国的汉语教员改良教授教养办法,进步汉语白话才能等方面都有着的很主要的意义。经由过程中文外教的精确有用的汉语发音指点,韩国粹生会对汉语进修更感兴致,并对汉语白话加倍自负,韩语毕业论文,进步介入认识,特别会对韩国粹生的现实听力和措辞才能会有显著的进步,别的经由过程中文外教,韩语论文题目,韩国粹生会以更加客不雅、精确的视角来懂得中国文明。


Foreign language learning includes three elements: pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. Pronunciation is the most important department. South Korea teach science on the basis of the Ministry of skills to hire foreign teachers task planning that Epik (English program in Korea) planning, 1995 by Gyeonggi Taoism guide hall first to start, start hiring the Chinese teachers, the employment of Chinese teachers is to not Korea student learning Chinese in the process of some of the problems, and more useful to learn Chinese. The researchers the Ulsan metropolitan city educational bureau of the invitation, in 2009 the beginning March to February 2011 in South Korea Ulsan metropolitan city educational bureau of the eight high school Chinese courses, through the reality of the process. The two years of lectures and teaching and research method, whether it is in China still in Korea, Chinese as a foreign language teaching theory research is in its infancy stage, the research need to ask knowable. Until end of 2010 years, through to South Korea in the process of municipalities, Taoism guide hall invite, leave South Korean beginner / teaching high school English teachers in Chinese total 127 people. The researchers through the process of playing de law wind and access to municipalities, Taoism guide Hall of the employment utilize Chinese teachers planning books and other educational bureau of coherent letters, discusses in detail the Chinese teachers definition and qualification, definition and qualifications premise of Korea International Chinese teachers and through query visit invention of Korea International Chinese teachers important origin and current situation and Chinese teachers of business content and its action. The researchers as Chinese teachers in South Korea's high school site coach stop for a period of two years of Chinese teaching theory, according to the comparison of Chinese and Korean vowel consonant identity, a detailed analysis of the quintessence of Korean students Chinese pronunciation problems and points out the useful Chinese pronunciation method of guidance and pronunciation guidance need to pay attention to the place. Other, through process of Korea student questionnaire investigation discovery, almost all the quintessence in Han students think there is need for the appointment of Chinese teachers and 56. 7% of Korea student votive hope Chinese classes are taught by Chinese teachers solely as a lecture, in addition to know how to Chinese teachers role and significance of the eve of the anomaly. In short, in South Korea, such as the lack of the use of Chinese language, hiring Chinese foreign teachers to stop teaching Chinese, you can naturally and naturally to the construction of Mr. Chinese popular words, thus improving the ability to communicate in Chinese, and Chinese teachers to improve teaching methods of Chinese teachers in South Korea, improve the Chinese vernacular in order to have a very important significance. Through the process of Chinese teachers of accurate useful Chinese pronunciation guidance, the quintessence of Han students to learn Chinese more interested, and the vernacular Chinese double conceited and progress to participate in awareness, in particular, will have significant progress on the quintessence of Han students practical listening and words can, the other by Cheng Zhongwen foreign teachers, the quintessence of Han students to more objectively and accurately the perspective to understand Chinese culture.

