
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The main topic is the abnormal concept in Chinese and korean. A Korean, not the relationship between the topic and subject achievement in Chinese debate more serious. This paper intends to apply the effectiveness of grammar and constructivism approach to the topic of Chinese and Korean, the subject, the type of topic, the characteristics of comparative analysis. The fundamental in favor of Xu Jie opinion on the topic of that topic of his is not a kind of independent syntactic constituents but some syntactic constituents of a function of, and through the analysis of the process of Korean topic and subject relationship is proved. At the same time that topic is "on behalf of the known information" and "guidance set things the two semantic features is the personality of human speech topic, in order to make the topic of two languages emerge out of some similar situation characteristics. In addition, this article from the topic of the efficacy and the verb argument two aspects of the Korean and Korean topic of the type and the similarities and differences between them.


第一章 引言   6-10       1.1 对比范围、理论与措施   6-7       1.2 探讨概况   7-9       1.3 本文所使用的符号   9-10   第二章 汉韩语的话题与主语   10-20       2.1 韩国语的话题和主语   10-12       2.2 汉语的话题和主语   12-17       2.3 汉语话题和韩国语话题的特征   17-20   第三章 汉韩语话题的类型   20-29       3.1 汉韩语话题的功能类型   20-22       3.2 句法性话题和非句法性话题   22-25       3.3 汉韩语话题的句法功能   25-29   第四章 余论   29-31   注释   31-32   参考文献   32-34   论文摘要(中文)   34-39   论文摘要(英文)   39-43  
