
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05
中国国度汉办/孔子学院总部和韩国教导部签订的CPIK (Chinese Program in Ko rea)项目标实施,使韩国汉语教授教养急剧升温。近两年韩国小学汉语教授教养在教授教养范围、教材内容、进修群体上都有了很年夜转变。本文以全罗南道光阳市两所小学(城隍小学和骨若小学)为例,对韩国小学汉语教授教养现状和教授教养办法停止描述和剖析。笔者一方面临韩国外乡小学汉语教员停止访谈;另外一方面临进修汉语的先生停止汉语兴致与教授教养后果的问卷查询拜访。研讨全罗南道小学原语平易近教员汉语教室的教授教养办法,同时自创韩国英语教授教养已构成的成熟的教授教养形式和经历,以寻找在新情势下韩国小学的汉语教授教养的新成长。


The (Program in Ko rea Chinese CPIK) project was implemented by the China National Office of the Chinese Ministry of education and the Ministry of education of South Korea. In the past two years, South Korean primary school Chinese teaching in the teaching area, teaching materials, learning groups have a great change. This paper in Jeolla Namdo light Yang municipal primary schools (Cheng Huang primary and bone if the primary), for example, Korean primary school Chinese teaching situation and teaching measures to stop the description and analysis. The side facing South Korea Indigenous primary school Chinese teacher stop interview; the other party facing Mr. learning Mandarin stop Chinese spirits and teaching result of questionnaire survey. Investigate Jeolla Namdo primary primitive plain near a teacher of Chinese classroom teaching way, also created the Korean English teaching has formed mature teaching method and experience, to find in the new situation of Korean primary school Chinese teaching new growth.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   1 引言   8-9       1.1 本探讨的理论基础   8       1.2 本探讨的目的   8       1.3 前人探讨成果及本探讨的价值和意义   8-9   2 韩国小学的汉语教学近况   9-15       2.1 韩国的汉语热与小学汉语教学   9-10       2.2 近两年韩国小学汉语教学概说   10-13       2.3 韩国小学本土教师的汉语教学   13-15   3 韩国小学汉语教师常用教学措施   15-25       3.1 中韩教师合作上课   15       3.2 汉语原语民教师常用教学措施   15-25   4 针对韩国小学汉语教学近况的教学策略   25-29       4.1 使用趣味教学增添教学成果   25-27       4.2 借鉴英语在韩教学的成熟措施   27-28       4.3 新合作教学模式   28-29   5 结语   29-30   参考文献   30-31   附录   31-33   后记   33  
