跟着中国经济疾速增加和国际位置的进步,世界列国进修汉语的热忱水平也赓续低落。与此同时,跟着中韩两邦交往的赓续深刻,韩语论文,韩国粹习汉语的人数逐年爬升,韩语论文范文,对韩国汉语教授教养的研究也愈来愈多,然则针对韩国须眉高中汉语教授教养的研究其实不多见。须眉高中作为韩国异常主要的一类高中,对其汉语教授教养情形的研究对韩国汉语教授教养来讲有着异常主要的意义。本论文以韩国仁川地域3所须眉高中的韩国籍汉语教员、汉语教员自愿者和60名韩国粹生为对象停止了问卷查询拜访和拜访交换,与他们配合商量了韩国仁川地域须眉高中汉语教授教养任务中存在的成绩。愿望可以或许运用笔者在仁川地域须眉高中任教的优势,对该类黉舍汉语教授教养任务的现状停止总结,发明个中存在的成绩,与韩国籍汉语教员和中国汉语教员自愿者配合交换,摸索出处理成绩的公道可行的办法。本论文分为三个部门,第一部门引言引见研究配景、研究目标、研究意义和研究思绪和办法。第二部门对韩国仁川地域须眉高中汉语教授教养的汗青及现状停止查询拜访剖析,经由过程整顿问卷和采访成果,总结出韩国仁川地域须眉高中汉语教授教养中重要存在的成绩并停止深刻商量和剖析。问卷从教员基本信息、教授教养情形、先生基本信息、黉舍汉语教授教养信息等几个方面临这三所须眉高中停止查询拜访,意在周全、深刻地懂得仁川地域须眉高中汉语教授教养的根本情形。第三部门针对第二部门总结出的成绩提出可行性建议。 Abstract: Along with the rapid economic growth and the international position of Chinese progress, all countries in the world to study Chinese enthusiasm level is continuously low. At the same time, along with China and South Korea two state exchanges continuously deep, South Korea to learn Chinese people climb year by year, research on Korean language teaching are also more and more research for the South Korean high school Chinese teaching man but does not see more. A class of high school senior high school as the main abnormal man in South Korea, the study on Chinese teaching situation is mainly on the significance of abnormal Chinese teaching in South korea. In this paper, South Korea Inchon region 3 man high school Korean Chinese teacher, Chinese teacher volunteers and 60 Han Guocui students stopped the questionnaire survey and visit and discuss with the exchange, they are South Korea's Inchon regional high school Chinese teaching a task performance. I wish to be able to use at Inchon regional high school man advantage, the kind of school Chinese teaching task status summary, the invention problems, exchange with Korean Chinese teacher and Chinese teacher volunteers China, groped into feasible way on the performance of justice. This paper is divided into three departments, the first introduction of the introduction of research background, research objectives, research significance and research ideas and methods. The history and current situation of the second sector of South Korea Inchon regional high school Chinese teaching men to stop the investigation and analysis, through the process of rectifying the questionnaire and interview results, summed up the South Inchon regional high school Chinese teaching in the important man and the problems that exist deep discuss and analysis. The questionnaire from teachers basic information, teaching situation, basic information, Mr. school Chinese teaching information aspects of the three man high school investigation, basic situation, comprehensive to deeply understand the Inchon regional man high school Chinese teaching. Third departments for the second departments to sum up the results of the proposed feasibility. 目录: 目录 4-6 中文摘要 6-7 Abstracts 7 第一章 引言 9-19 1.1 探讨背景 9 1.2 探讨目的及意义 9-10 1.3 探讨的思路及措施 10-11 1.3.1 调查对象的选取 10 1.3.2 调查设计及实施 10-11 1.3.3 针对调查结果提出建议 11 1.4 文献综述 11-19 1.4.1 “非目的语环境“下的汉语教学相关探讨 11-12 1.4.2 国别化汉语教学探讨 12-14 1.4.3 韩国汉语教学相关探讨 14-15 1.4.4 韩国中学汉语教学相关探讨 15-19 第二章 韩国仁川地区男子高中汉语教学历史及近况调查略论 19-43 2.1 仁川地区男子高中汉语教学历史回顾 19-20 2.1.1 韩国汉语教学的历史背景 19 2.1.2 仁川地区男子高中汉语教学的历史 19-20 2.2 仁川地区男子高中汉语教学的近况 20-43 2.2.1 仁川地区男子高中汉语教学基础信息调查略论 20-33 2.2.2 仁川地区男子高中汉语教学开展情况调查略论 33-43 第三章 对仁川地区男子高中汉语教学的建议 43-50 3.1 对韩国仁川地区男子高中的建议 44-45 3.1.1 增设汉语课后课,为学生提供课堂规定以外的汉语补习班 44 3.1.2 提升汉语教师志愿者的待遇水平 44-45 3.2 对 CPIK 项目的建议 45-48 3.2.1 加强对汉语教师志愿者及其搭档教师合作教学方式的培训 45-46 3.2.2 增强教材编写的针对性,大力推广中国汉语教材 46-47 3.2.3 加强对中国汉语教师志愿者的韩语能力培训 47-48 3.3 对中韩两国汉语教师的建议 48-50 3.3.1 根据学生的特点,丰富男子高中的教学手段 48-49 3.3.2 增强合作意识,提高教学技能水平 49-50 第四章 结语 50-51 参考文献 51-54 附录一:仁川地区男子高中汉语教学情况调查问卷(教师问卷) 54-56 附录二:中国汉语教师志愿者调查问卷 56-58 附录三:仁川地区男子高中汉语教学情况调查问卷(学生问卷) 58-60 附录四: (? ) 60-63 致谢 63 |