古代汉语中,静态助词“了、着、过”的语法意义和语法功效异常庞杂,留先生在进修进程中会涌现各类偏误,而今朝学术界对于韩国留先生HSK静态作文语料库中静态助词偏误方面的研究结果其实不多见,是以本文以北京说话年夜学HSK静态作文语料库中韩国留先生作文中涌现的的静态助词偏误为重要研究对象,停止了偏误分类,剖析偏误缘由,并提出响应的教授教养对策和建议,以期为对外汉语教授教养起到必定的参考感化。本文一共分为五部门,每一个章节的内容支配以下:第一章绪论,重要经由过程笔者对语料库的研究剖析韩国留先生汉语语法偏误研究现状、课题缘起及研究意义、研究对象和办法及语料起源三个方面,并论述了与本研究相干的课题研究情形,总结对于该课题获得的造诣与缺乏,论述本文研究的意义及思绪、办法。第二章韩国留先生作文语法偏误统计成果及分类情形,重要引见了基于HSK语料库韩国留先生语法偏误统计目标及成果、韩国留先生作文里静态助词偏误类型,再最初得出本章结论。第三章韩国留先生作文里静态助词发生偏误的缘由,从说话学身分、韩国留先生进修时的认贴心理身分、进修情况等身分停止剖析。第四章处理对策及建议,提出增长偏误的针对性练习、教员应当采用的教授教养战略及对先生进修的进修办法提出建议。验证所提战略停止了“了、着、过”查询拜访问卷。第五章结语,韩语论文题目,对全文所论述的重要不雅点和结论停止总结,并指出文章的立异的地方和缺乏的处所。 Abstract: Grammatical meaning and effect of ancient Chinese, the static particle ", and" unusually complex, leaving Mr. in the learning process will emerge all kinds of errors, and the current academic circles on the South Korean left Mr. HSK dynamic composition corpus static auxiliary bias research results are not rare is the Beijing speak University HSK dynamic composition corpus South Korean left Mr. composition in the emergence of static auxiliary errors as the important research object, stop the error classification, analysis of error reason, and put forward the response countermeasures and suggestions of teaching, in order to foreign language teaching to a certain reference role. This paper is divided into five parts, each chapter of the content of the following: first chapter introduction, the main part of the study of the corpus of the research and analysis of the status quo, the subject and the significance of the research, the research object and method and data origin three aspects, and discusses the research situation and the lack of knowledge, and discusses the significance of this research and ideas, methods. Chapter two South Korean left Mr. composition grammar errors statistical results and the classification situation, it is important to introduce the HSK corpus Korea left Mr. grammar statistics of error objectives and outcomes, Korea left Mr. composition static auxiliary error types based on, initially concluded that the conclusion of this chapter. Chapter three: South Korea left Mr. composition in static particle causes errors, from learning to speak identity, the South Korean left MR study of cognitive psychological identity, learning environment and other factors to carry on the analysis. The fourth chapter deals with the countermeasures and suggestions, and puts forward some suggestions for the development of the teaching strategy and the teaching strategy to be used by the teachers. Verification of the proposed strategy to stop the ",", "the query". Chapter five is the conclusion, the text discusses the important indecent point and conclusion stop to summarize, and points out that the innovation of the place and the lack of a place. 目录: 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 目录 7-9 第一章 绪论 9-15 1.1 课题缘起及探讨意义 9-10 1.1.1 课题缘起 9-10 1.1.2 探讨意义 10 1.2 动态助词偏误探讨近况 10-13 1.3 探讨对象和思路及探讨措施 13-15 1.3.1 探讨对象 13 1.3.2 探讨思路 13 1.3.3 探讨措施 13-15 第二章 韩国留学生使用动态助词“了、着、过”的偏误类型 15-27 2.1 基于 HSK 语料库韩国留学生语法偏误统计结果 15 2.2 韩国留学生动态助词偏误类型 15-26 2.2.1 “了”的偏误类型 15-20 2.2.2 “着”的偏误类型 20-23 2.2.3 “过”的偏误类型 23-26 2.3 本章小结 26-27 第三章 韩国留学生作文里动态助词产生偏误的原因 27-33 3.1 语言学因素 27-28 3.1.1 “了、着、过”本身的复杂性 27 3.1.2 “了、着、过”易混点 27-28 3.2 韩国留学生的认知心理因素 28-29 3.2.1 母语负迁移 28-29 3.2.2 交际策略的作用 29 3.3 学习环境因素 29-32 3.3.1 教材,工具书的选择 29-30 3.3.2 教师授课和平时训练的作用 30 3.3.3 社会环境的作用 30-31 3.3.4 学生学习策略和学习态度的作用 31-32 3.4 本章小结 32-33 第四章 解决对策及建议 33-37 4.1 增加针对偏误的针对性训练 33 4.2 针对教师的建议 33-34 4.2.1 了解、关注学生 33 4.2.2 选择针对性的教材,韩语论文范文,进行举一反三的训练 33 4.2.3 定期举办语法知识竞答比赛,提升学生兴趣 33-34 4.3 针对学生学习的建议 34-35 4.3.1 整理错题集 34 4.3.2 针对不同水平选择合适的辅导工具,按记忆曲线规律复习 34-35 4.4 “了、着、过”的调查问卷及对所提策略的验证 35-37 4.4.1 “了、着、过”的调查问卷设计 35-37 第五章 结语 37-39 5.1 探讨成果及不足 37-38 5.1.1 探讨成果 37 5.1.2 探讨不足 37-38 5.2 后续探讨 38-39 参考文献 39-40 附录 40-42 致谢 42 |