比拟·比方是人类熟悉世界的主要门路之一,是平常生涯交换中弗成缺乏的一部门,是人类表达所思所想的主要手腕。每种说话都具有比拟·比方这一表达措施,韩国语经由过程形状、语义或句法措施来比拟事物的属性、性质、状况等方面的差异。固然“比拟·比方”这一表达措施在每种说话中都获得异常广泛的应用,但在分歧的说话中却不尽雷同。本文以表现比拟·比方的助词“(?)”,“(?)”,“(?)”,“-(?)”为研究对象,在语义、句法和汉语中的对应关系等层面临四者分离停止了剖析,进而对四者间的差异停止了比拟,剖析其雷同点和分歧点,这对说话研究落第二说话进修都具有主要的实际价值和理论意义。本文经由过程对“-(?)”,“-(?)”,“-(?)”,“-(?)”的剖析,得出以下结论:第一,四者在语义层面上所表达的比拟·比方意义是分歧的。在运用表现比拟·比方表示的助词时,“-(?)”是首当其冲而且最具代表性的表现比拟意义的助词,而“-(?)”具有比拟·比方两重表示情势,在口语和白话表达方面最为罕见和广泛。“-(?)”简直全体用于比方表达上,固然比拟的表达情势也有,然则少少运用。“-(?)”用于比方的表达,具有浓重的文学颜色,在文学著作中普遍运用。第二,比拟·比方助词“-(?)”,“-(?)”,“-(?)”,“-(?)”在句法特色上,从先行名词特点,和与其相搭配的谓词性特点,否认句中的限制,习用型特点等四个方面具有分歧特色,遭到制约和作用的水平也不尽雷同,如许就为对他们停止比拟剖析发明了前提。第三,经由过程与汉语中对应等方面的剖析可以看出,四者中“-(?)”,“-(?)”,“-(?)”不论是在语义、句法或是在汉语对应层面都具有许多的配合点,在年夜部门情形下都能与“-(?)”停止交换,但也存在欠亨用的情形:“-(?)”在先行词为表现详细存在的容貌或样貌时的运用不天然,句法方面遭到较多制约;“-(?)”在句法表达的比拟关系上运用率比拟低,比方表达时除特别情形外都可与“-(?)”交换运用;“-(?)”的句法特色是可以或许在其文章或许诗歌中表示出浓重的文学颜色,仅用于比方表达时运用。 Abstract: Analogy, for example, is one of the main ways in which human beings are familiar with the world, and it is a part of the lack of the common life exchange. Each talk compared with - for example, the expression, the Korean through the process of shape, semantic or syntactic methods to compare things attribute, nature and status of the similarities and differences. Although the expression method of "analogy and analogy" is widely used in each kind of speech, it is not the same in different words. The performance to match, for example, the auxiliary "(?)", "(?)", "(?)", "-" as the research object, in the semantic, syntactic and Chinese corresponding layer facing four separate analysis and on the similarities and differences between compared analyze the similarity and differences, which speaks to study second language learning has important practical value and theoretical significance. In this paper, the following conclusions are drawn: first, the comparison of the four persons in the semantic level, for example, is different. In the application of analogy, such as representation of the particle, the "-" is bear the brunt of the particle and the most representative significance compared, and "-" is compared, for example, double the said situation, in spoken vernacular and expression is the most rare and widely. "- (?)" almost all for example, although the comparison of the expression of the situation, but less application. "- (?)" for example, the expression of a strong literary color, in the literary works of universal application. Second, compare, for example, auxiliary "-", "-", "-", "- (?)" on the syntactic characteristics, from the characteristics of the first noun, and and match the predicate part of speech features, denied sentence constraints, conventional type characteristics of four aspects has differences, by restricting and influencing the level is not the same, such as on their comparative analysis created a condition. Third, through the analysis of the corresponding process and Chinese aspects can be seen, the four "- (?)", "- (?)", "- (?)" whether in semantics, syntax or are with many Chinese in the corresponding level, in most cases can with "- (?)" to stop the exchange, but there are also less hang with the situation: "- (?)" used in the antecedent for performance with existing appearance or appearance is not natural, syntax was more restricted; "- (?)" in the syntactic expression of analogy between application rate comparison for example, the expression is low, except for special circumstances may be "- (?)" exchange; "- (?)" is the syntactic characteristics of may in its article perhaps poetry expressed strong literary color, for example, only for the expression of application. 目录: |