朝鲜半岛自古就遭到中国文明、政治、经济、军事等作用。跟着中朝建交、中韩建交,我们在经济、政治、教导等范畴中与朝鲜半岛国民停止来往。绝年夜多半朝鲜半岛的国民进修中国的汉字。古时刻朝鲜半岛就是借用了汉字作为书写的符号,然则跟着历久的汗青变迁,表里身分的作用使汉字执政鲜半岛发生了朝鲜平易近族特点的特性。这也就是汉字词发生的重要本源。跟着1945年朝鲜国民平易近主共和国和年夜韩平易近国的分离树立使得朝鲜半岛正式决裂,而朝鲜半岛的说话也分为以平壤通俗话为尺度的朝鲜语和以京畿道首尔邻近地域为通俗话尺度的韩国语。固然说话被划分,然则朝鲜语、韩国语、中国朝鲜平易近族的朝鲜语本是同根同源,字母、语法、语素均雷同,本文中朝鲜语同等于韩国语。然则有一点模棱两可,朝鲜语因为朝鲜的社会身分自己含有的外来语绝关于韩语来说少的微不足道,所以研究朝鲜语更具有针对性,然则因为前提无限,本文重要针对韩国语和中国朝鲜族说话。韩国汉字词的由来和构造,针对韩国留先生的词腔调查和响应的问卷查询拜访,韩语论文网站,韩语论文范文,就汉字词对韩国粹生习得汉语发生的作用停止数据剖析,发明韩国汉字词对韩国留先生习得汉语词语发生母语正迁徙的同时,还有很年夜水平的负迁徙作用。经由过程对负迁徙诸多作用的归结,我们在往后的对韩对外汉语教授教养中,要运用好韩国粹生母语的正迁徙作用,而且要防止负迁徙对他们习得汉语所形成的障碍。教员应当联合教室教授教养的现实情形,公道的运用对象书,而且针对朝鲜半岛留先生进修汉字词的课程加以改良。 Abstract: Since ancient times, the Korean Peninsula has been influenced by Chinese civilization, politics, economy, military and so on. With the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Korea, China and South Korea established diplomatic relations, we in the economic, political, education and other areas in the Korean peninsula with the people to stop. Most of the people on the Korean Peninsula to learn Chinese characters. The characteristics of Korean ethnic characteristics occurred in ancient time Korean Peninsula is borrowed from the Chinese character as symbol of the written. However along with the long-term history of change, the influence factor of inside and outside characters of the Korean Peninsula. This is the important origin of Chinese characters. Follow the 1945 Korean national plain Democratic Republic and the eve of the Han Pingyi near State separation building makes the Korean Peninsula formally broke, and speak of the Korean Peninsula is also divided into Pyongyang popular words for scale of Korean and in Gyeonggi province near Seoul region for the popular scale of Korean. Though words are divided, however Korean, Korean, Korean Chinese plain near family Korean is the homology and root, letters, grammar, morphemes are the same, the Korean equivalent to the Korean. However, a little ambiguous, Korean because North Korea's social identity contains loanwords absolute in Korean, the less trivial, so study of Korean is more targeted. However because of unlimited premise. In this paper, an important in Korean and Chinese Korean speaking. The origin and structure of Korean Chinese words, for South Korean left Mr. word cavity investigation and response questionnaire survey, Chinese words of quintessence of Korean students Chinese acquisition of data analysis, invention of Chinese characters in Korea to South Korea left Mr. acquisition of Chinese words occur to the language is migration and, there is still a level of the eve of the negative migration. Through the process of negative migration attributed many effects, we are back to the Han Chinese as a foreign language teaching, it is necessary to use the quintessence of Han students speaking positive transfer effect, and to prevent negative migration barriers for their acquisition of Chinese form. The teacher should combine the practical situation of the teaching in the classroom, and the reasonable application of the target book, and to improve the course of the Chinese characters on the Korean Peninsula. 目录: 中文摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4-5 绪论 8-11 (一)综述 8-10 (二)论文的探讨意义 10 (三)探讨措施 10-11 一、韩语汉字词的由来及结构特征 11-20 (一)韩语汉字词的由来 11-15 (二)韩语汉字词的结构 15-20 二、韩语汉字词对韩国学生习得汉语的作用 20-28 (一)试卷调查 20-21 (二)韩语汉字词对韩国学生习得汉语的作用 21-25 1.韩语汉字词关于韩国学生习得汉语的正迁移 21-22 2.韩语汉字词关于韩国学生习得汉语的负迁移 22-25 (三)作用产生的原因 25-28 三、对外汉语教学中的相应对策 28-33 (一)教学措施的改进 28-29 (二)教材的编写与辅助教材的使用 29-33 结语 33-34 参考文献 34-35 附录 35-38 致谢 38 |