中国的对外汉语教授教养自首创至今已有60多年的汗青。汉语教授教养范畴也吸引着国际外学者的赓续研究。个中,韩语论文,汉语进修念头研究是一向是学者们研究的热点话题。激烈的念头无疑是学英雄语,乃至是学好世界上随意率性一门说话的不贰秘诀。有用地懂得、激起和造就先生的念头可使教员的教授教养和先生的进修事半功倍。是以,对于念头的研究一向处在赓续的立异和成长当中。国际外晚期的念头研究年夜部门是基于Gardner的念头实际,为辨别先生的说话进修念头供给了底本。但是,跟着先生念头的多样化成长,Gardner的念头实际曾经不克不及完整说明先生进修说话的念头地点,自我决议实际应运而生。内涵念头、内在念头、无念头的划分为念头供给了新的角度。自90年月前期,自我决议实际惹起了中国粹者的普遍研究。但是,韩语论文范文,对自我决议的实际仅逗留在了实际层面,后来虽有理论研究,但也年夜都是英语进修的研究,对汉语进修的自我决议念头研究少之又少;对分歧国别先生汉语进修念头研究也依然以Gardner的念头实际为基本的研究占多数。是以,本文以Deci和Ryan的自我决议念头为实际基本,以Noels的说话进修偏向问卷为对象,以重庆高校的泰国、韩国留先生为查询拜访对象,比拟研究泰国和韩国留先生汉语进修自我决议念头的差异,并提出了进步留先生自我决议念头的建议。研究发明:(1)泰国粹生与韩国粹生的内涵念头都高于其内在念头,先生来中国粹习汉语出于无念头的情形比拟少。泰国粹生的内、内在念头均高于韩国粹生。(2)先生的汉语程度越高,内涵念头越激烈。泰国分歧程度先生的自我决议念头高于对应程度的韩国粹生。泰国高等程度先生懂得安慰念头最激烈,韩国高等程度的先生体验安慰念头最激烈;泰国初、中级程度先生体验安慰念头最激烈,韩国初、中级程度先生懂得安慰念头最激烈。(3)两国分歧汉语程度先生的念头均为内涵念头年夜于内在念头,内在念头年夜于无念头。在六年夜念头方面,泰国高等程度先生与先生整体念头情形根本分歧,韩国粹生则是初、中级先生与整体念头情形根本雷同。最初本文提出了若干进步先生汉语进修自我决议念头的建议。本文愿望该研究可以弥补留先生汉语进修自我决议念头研究范畴的空白。 Abstract: China's foreign language teaching and learning has been 60 years of history since the first. Chinese teaching category also attracted foreign scholars to study international. In Chinese, the idea of Chinese language learning is always a hot topic for scholars. The fierce idea is undoubtedly learn a hero is to learn the language, and even the world casually a language not two secret. Useful understanding, the idea of creating a teacher can make the teacher's teaching and learning more effective. Research on the idea is, always in ceaseless innovation and growth. International advanced thoughts on the idea of Gardner Nianye sector is based on the actual supply, to identify Mr. dibon language learning idea. However, with the development of the idea of a variety of ideas, the idea of Gardner, the idea of the fact that it was not complete, the idea of learning to speak, self resolution actually came into being. The idea of the content, the inner thoughts, the thought of the thought, the idea of the division of the idea provides a new perspective. Since 90 years earlier, the actual self resolution has aroused wide discussion of the essence of Chinese. However, the actual situation of self resolution only stay on the practical level, and later although there are theoretical research, but also the eve of the study of English learning, the study of the Chinese language learning of the idea of research and less; for different countries, the idea of learning Chinese language learning is still the idea of Gardner is the basic research of the majority. In this paper, the idea of Ryan and Deci for the actual basic, to Noels's language learning bias questionnaire as the object, to the Chongqing College of Thailand, South Korea to visit the object, compared with Thailand and South Korea to study the idea of learning Chinese language learning, and put forward to improve the idea of mr.. Study found that: (1) the Thailand students thought and connotation of Korea student is higher than the intrinsic motivation, to learn Chinese for Mr. Chinese no idea the less. Thailand students, intrinsic motivation is higher than that of Korean students. (2) the higher the degree of Chinese language, the more intense the connotation of the idea. The idea of self - resolution of the Thailand is higher than that of Han Guocui. Thailand higher degree of comfort the idea that the most intense, South Korea, the higher degree of comfort of the students experience the most intense, Thailand early, intermediate level students experience comfort the idea of the most intense, Han Guochu, intermediate level students know that the most intense ideas of comfort. (3) the idea of the two countries' differences in the degree of the Chinese language is the idea of the connotation of the idea of the inner thoughts, and the inner thoughts are more than the thoughts. In six big idea, Thailand higher level with Mr. overall situation idea fundamental differences, Korea student is the primary and intermediate and overall situation the same fundamental idea of mr.. In the beginning, some suggestions are put forward to improve the learning of the Chinese language. This paper hopes that this study can make up for the blank of the research on the thought of the Chinese learning of the students. 目录: |