演习设计是对外汉语教材编写的症结,直接表现编者的教授教养理念,韩语论文,但教材演习编写却也是教材编写进程中的一个软弱环节。为进步教材编写的全体程度,对演习编写停止剖析研究是很有需要的。教材演习的研究是个庞杂的成绩,触及到了对外汉语各方面常识,包含基本常识,教授教养法,说话习得实际等各个方面。韩国汉语进修热在建交后逐步鼓起的,汉语作为韩国高中先生进修的第三年夜外语,在韩国有着无足轻重的位置。高中汉语教材编写方面有着同一的形式,但分歧的编者有着分歧的教授教养理念,是以雷同的内容在分歧的教材中有着各具特点的变现措施。对于韩国高中汉语教材的研究曾经慢慢睁开,针对教材中演习的研究倒是一个极新的话题。本文经由过程三个角度来剖析教材演习编写的情形并对存在的成绩提出建议。本论文的第一章概述了论文研究的配景、意义和目标办法等,对中韩两国汉语教材演习的研究概略做了概述。文章的第2、第三和第四章,韩语论文范文,分离从演习重点,演习题型和演习条理三个方面来对韩国四套典范的现行高中汉语教材课后演习停止数据剖析研究。在第二章的演习重点中,又侧重剖析了语音题的散布情形和思虑。第三章发明了教材的共有题型和独有题型,并对这些题型的好坏势停止了评论辩论,第四章是从懂得性演习、机械性演习和活用性演习三个条理来评论辩论演习编排的公道性。经由过程这三章对教材的剖析研究停止思虑,笔者在第五章中依据对外汉语教材的编写准绳,联合韩国高中汉语教授教养的现实情形,提出了几点演习编写的改良建议。第六章的结论部门,提出了几点值得思虑的成绩供年夜家评论辩论。 Abstract: Design is the crux of Chinese textbook compilation, the direct expression of editor's teaching philosophy, teaching material writing exercises but is also in the process of compiling a weak link. The degree of progress of written materials, writing exercises analysis is very necessary. Exercise is a complex material research achievements, touched on all aspects of foreign language knowledge, including basic knowledge, teaching method, learning to speak practical aspects. Korean Chinese language heat after the establishment of diplomatic relations gradually rise, as the Chinese Korean high school's third largest foreign language students studying, there are of little importance position in South korea. Have the same form of high school Chinese textbooks, but the difference with the editor teaching differences, is in the same content in different textbooks have realized the characteristics of the. Study on the Korean high school Chinese textbooks have been slowly open, for research materials in the exercise is a very new topic. In this paper, through three aspects to analyze the process of textbook exercises written situation and puts forward some suggestions on the existing problems. The first chapter outlines the research background, significance and objective measures, summary of research on China and South Korea Chinese textbooks exercises are summarized. The second, third and chapter four, separation from exercises focus, exercise questions and exercises organized three aspects of South Korea four sets of model of the current high school Chinese textbook after-school exercise data analysis and study. In the second chapter, the key part of the exercise, and analyze the spread and thoughtful speech. In the third chapter, the invention of the teaching total questions and unique questions, and the quality of these questions potential stop comment debate. The fourth chapter is from know exercise, mechanical drills and utilize exercise three organized to review debate exercise arrangement is reasonable. Through the process of this three chapter of the textbook analysis on stop thinking, the author in the fifth chapter on the basis of Chinese textbooks criterion, combined with the reality of the situation of Korean high school Chinese teaching, puts forward some suggestions for improvement of the written exercises. The sixth chapter conclusion, put forward some thoughtfully for the performance review debate. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 一、绪论 8-13 (一) 探讨背景和意义 8-10 1. 探讨的背景 8-9 2. 探讨的意义 9-10 (二) 汉语教材练习的探讨近况 10-11 1. 中国汉语教材练习的探讨近况 10 2. 韩国汉语教材练习的探讨近况 10-11 (三) 本文探讨的目的、对象及探讨措施 11-13 1. 探讨的目的 11 2. 探讨对象 11-12 3. 探讨措施 12-13 二、练习重点略论探讨 13-19 (一) 统计标准 13 (二) 按语言要素分类练习总量略论 13-16 1. 数据略论 13-15 2. 原因略论 15-16 (三) 语音题量的分布情况略论及思考 16-18 1. 语音题量的分布情况略论 16-17 2. 语音题量的分布情况思考 17-18 (四) 本章小结 18-19 三、练习题型探讨 19-27 (一) 统计标准 19 (二) 题型种类统计 19-21 (三) 按照使用频率对练习题型进行略论与思考 21-22 (四) 对四套教材练习高频题型的略论 22-23 1. 时事出版社教材的高频题型 22 2. (?)Chinese教材的高频题型 22 3. 正进出版社教材的高频题型 22 4. 天才教育出版社教材的高频题型 22-23 (五) 共有题型与独有题型的研讨 23-26 1. 共有题型 23-25 2. 独有题型 25-26 (六) 本章小结 26-27 四、练习层次略论探讨 27-33 (一) 统计标准 27 (二) 练习层次数据统计 27-28 (三) 练习层次略论 28-31 1. 理解性练习 28-29 2. 机械性练习 29-30 3. 活用性练习 30-31 (四) 本章小结 31-33 五、对韩国高中汉语教材练习编写的几点建议 33-39 (一) 提高练习针对性 33 (二) 提高练习实用性 33-34 (三) 提高练习趣味性 34-37 1. 增强语音练习的趣味性 35-36 2. 增强汉字练习的趣味性 36-37 (四) 提高练习的科学性 37-38 1. 科学性准则要求练习规范 37 2. 科学性准则要求练习难度适当,循序渐进 37-38 (五) 提高练习的系统性 38 (六) 本章小结 38-39 六、余论 39-41 (一) 值得思考的问题 39-40 1. 言语技能练习与语言要素练习的融合 39 2. 练习的量足够的标准 39 3. 如何加强练习之间的内在联系 39-40 4. 练习内容覆盖面大小 40 (二) 结语 40-41 注释 41-42 参考文献 42-44 附录 44-59 附录1:调查问卷 44-46 附录2:时事出版社教材习题表 46-49 附录3:(?)Chinese教材习题表 49-52 附录4:正进出版社教材习题表 52-55 附录5:天才教育出版社教材习题表 55-59 致谢 59-60 |