
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Important research object of this thesis is synonym of time adverbs in Korean inherent in the word, the goal is for Korean students supply absolute direct, simple resolution of the Korean language time adverb synonyms, sponsorship to learn Korean better learn Korean time adverb, thus doubling the accurate application of time adverbs. The Korean dictionaries and Korean textbooks, elected from the five groups of synonyms, through analysis of their dictionary meaning and in relationships with sentence patterns, tenses, the sentence application, further synonyms for each stop comparative study, so that groups of near synonyms in the similarities and differences between, and double clear familiar with each word the application premise and using method.


摘要   2   外文摘要   3-4   目录   4-5   正文   5-65   参考文献   65-69   附录   69-70   攻读学位期间的探讨成果   70-71  
