
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05
韩国的茶树种类及茶叶加工技巧均由中国引进,但在茶叶加工方面,依据韩国花费习气停止了改良。本研究从市场搜集了韩国济州岛等3个茶叶产区17个炒青绿茶样品和11个中国绿茶样品,停止感官评价和化学、物理特征剖析,比拟中、韩两国绿茶品德的特色,为中国茶叶临盆者有针对地改良临盆工艺,开辟合适韩国茶叶市场的产物供给根据。研究成果显示 1 感官等分成果注解,韩语论文网站,韩国绿茶的总分为86。37±3。97分,略高于中国绿茶的总分85。59±2。88分。从内质的分歧目标看,二者在汤色上没有明显差别,但韩国绿茶样品在喷鼻气和味道方面略优于中国绿茶。韩国分歧产区的茶叶品德也存在显著差别,韩语论文网站,整体品德以济州最好,宝城其次,河东较得分最低。济州的茶叶品德得分比来自河东的茶叶高5。2%;济州和宝城的样品之间差别不明显。 2 茶叶样品水份、水浸出物和重要化学成份析成果显示,韩国绿茶样品的茶多酚含量与中国绿茶没有明显差别,但水浸出物和氨基酸含量明显高于中国绿茶;而韩国绿茶产物含水量和咖啡因含量明显低于中国绿茶样品。韩国绿茶样品的喷鼻气优于被测的中国绿茶样品,这能够与含水量有关。该成果显示,中国绿茶欲坚持优越的品德风味,在茶叶含水量掌握上须要进一步增强。水浸出物和氨基酸含量较高,能够是韩国绿茶样品味道得分较高的缘由。韩国茶区的纬度比中国茶区的均匀纬度高,日夜温差较年夜,有益于代谢产品的积聚,能够是招致韩国绿茶样品氨基酸和水浸出物含量较高的缘由。 3 茶汤色差剖析成果显示,韩国和中国绿茶样品在茶汤明度、绿度和黄度均存在明显差别,详细表示为韩国绿茶茶汤明度高于中国绿茶,而黄绿水平低于中国绿茶。解释中国绿茶样品略暗,色度较深。能够与茶叶含水量较高,部门多酚类氧化有关。 依据上述研究成果,作者以为,韩国绿茶的品德特点,一方面与韩国在地舆地位上纬度较高,日夜温差年夜,有益于茶树氨基酸等化合物的积聚;另外一方面,在茶叶加工上,韩国多以钝化酶活气较快的蒸汽杀青替换锅炒杀青,并且将茶叶含水量掌握在较低程度上,有益于绿茶品德的坚持。中国茶叶欲进入韩国市场,有需要在这些方面停止改良和进步。本文同时回想了韩国茶文明的汗青及其与中


Types of tea and tea processing techniques were introduced by the South Korean Chinese, but in tea processing, according to South Korea to stop spending habits improved. This study from the market to collect the Jeju Island, Korea and other three tea producing areas 17 roasted green tea samples and 11 Chinese green tea samples, stop sensory evaluation and chemical and physical characteristics analysis, match between China and Korea green tea quality characteristics, China's tea production is for improvement Pro pots technology, develop appropriate Korean tea market product supply according to. The results showed that 1 sensory results equal Green Tea notes, South Korea's total score is 86. 37 / 3. 97 points, slightly higher than the China Green Tea score 85. 59 / 2. 88 points. Look from different target Er two, no significant difference in the soup, but the South Korean Green Tea samples in nasal spray gas and taste a little better than Chinese Green Tea. Korea different producing areas of tea character also has the remarkable difference, the overall moral to Jeju best Boseong secondly, east of the river is the lowest score. Jeju tea is 5 higher than the score of moral from east of tea. 2%; no significant difference between Jeju and the city of samples. 2 samples of tea water, water extract and chemical composition analysis results show that the content of tea polyphenols in South Korea Green Tea samples had no significant difference with China Green Tea, but contents of amino acids and water leaching was significantly higher than that of China Green Tea; South Korea Green Tea product moisture and caffeine content was significantly lower than Chinese Green Tea samples. The gas is better than that of South Korea Green Tea samples of nasal spray tested samples China Green Tea, which can be related with the water content. The results show that the Chinese Green Tea to adhere to the excellent character in flavor, water content of tea master needs further enhance. Higher contents of amino acids and water leaching, can cause South Korea Green Tea taste high score samples. The latitude of tea area of South Korea than China tea area of uniform high latitude, day and night temperature difference is bigger, beneficial to the accumulation of metabolic products, can be reason to incur the Korean green tea samples amino acids and water leaching content higher. 3 liquor color difference analysis results show, South Korea and China green tea samples in tea lightness, greenness and yellowness there were obvious difference, a detailed representation of the Korean green tea infusion lightness is higher than that of the Chinese green tea, yellow green level below Chinese green tea. Explain a little dark China Green Tea samples, deep color. Can a high water content and tea polyphenol oxidation related departments. On the basis of the above research, the author thinks, the moral characteristics of Korean green tea, a hand, and South Korea in the geographical position higher latitude, temperature difference between day and night Nianye, beneficial to the accumulation of amino acid and other compounds of tea; on the other hand, in the tea processing, South Korea more than to inactivate the enzyme live gas rapid steaming replaced pan firing, and the water content of tea master on the lower level, beneficial to stick with green tea quality. Chinese tea to enter the Korean market, there is a need for improvement and progress in these areas. This paper also reviewed the history and civilization of Han guocha in

