经由百年的成长,我国曾经构成了由高级本科师范教导、专科师范教导和中等师范教导构成,分离为高中、初中和小学造就师资的三级教导系统。这类条理光鲜的教员教导,为我国教导事业的成长起到了主要感化。为了顺应急剧变更成长的古代社会对人才的需求,必需响应地进步教员的本质。是以,涌现了我国的教员教导原本的条理构造的重心慢慢上移的趋向。1999年国度教导部正式同意杭州师范学院、南京师范年夜学、上海师范年夜学、西南师范年夜学等4所本科高师院校作为全国首批正式设置“小学教导”本科专业的高校。尔后,国际更多的年夜学开端承当起了本迷信历小学教员的造就任务,以知足社会与教导事业成长对小学教员提出的更高请求。它标记着我国的教员教导成长进入了一个新的阶段。本文经由过程对中韩小学教员教导成长汗青的回想,拔取中国的西南师范年夜学和韩国的京仁教导年夜学作为个案停止比拟,剖析中韩高师小学教导专业的课程现状,归结出中韩高师小学教导专业课程设置的差异点,在对国际外小学教员造就形式与课程计划停止比拟研究的基本上,为构建相符我国国情、相符小学教导本科专业课程系统特点的课程计划停止了无益的探讨。经由过程比拟研究以为,小学教导专业的课程改造要以先辈的教导理念为先导,把课程系统置于全部社会成长的文明情况中停止设计和调剂,增强教导课程的综合化、多元化、全体化扶植。高师小学教导专业课程要强化课程的理论性,倡导介入式教授教养,转变教员教导课程离开小学实际教导生涯、仅仅局限于年夜学教室的现状,重视教导实际进修与理论运用的联合,将理论性环节与教导练习环节贯串于先生进修的全进程。在高师小学教导专业课程设置中,把通识教导课程、学科专业课程、教导实际课程、教导技巧课程和教导理论课程无机地联合起来,依据分歧条理的造就目的肯定各类课程的根本构造,慢慢把定向型课程形式改变为开放型课程形式。 Abstract: After 100 years of development, China has formed by senior undergraduate teacher education, teachers college teaching and teaching in secondary normal form, separated into high school, junior middle school and primary school has three grade teachers teach system. This kind of teacher to teach well dressed, the important role for China's education development. In order to adapt to the rapid growth of the change of ancient social demand for talents, essential nature of the progress of the teacher's response. Is the center of our country, the emergence of trend of teacher teaching structure of the original move slowly. In 1999 the national Ministry of Education formally agreed to Hangzhou Normal University, Nanjing Normal University, Shanghai Normal University, Southwest Normal University etc. four undergraduate colleges and universities as the country's first formal settings "elementary school to teach undergraduate colleges and universities. Thereafter, the more Nianye beginning bear the superstition of the calendar elementary school teacher training task, in order to satisfy the society and education development of primary school teachers put forward higher request. It marks China's teacher taught growth has entered a new stage. Through the process of Korean primary school teacher taught the development history of memory, select Southwest China Normal University and South Korea kyungin taught University as a case, compared analysis between China and Korea in normal primary school teaching courses of professional status, attributed to a Korean high school teacher to teach professional curriculum of similarities and differences, in abroad to primary school teachers to create form and curriculum plans to conduct comparative studies of, for the construction of a consistent national conditions of our country, consistent primary school teaching programmes of the undergraduate course system of unprofitable study. Through comparative study thought, primary school teaching professional curriculum reform to advanced teaching philosophy as the guide, the curriculum system is placed in the growth of the society as a whole civilization in stop design and adjust and enhance the course teaches the comprehensive, diversified, all support. Normal primary school teaching professional courses to strengthen curriculum theory, advocating intrusive teaching, change teacher teaches courses leave primary school practical teaching career, confined to the status of university classroom, attach importance to teach practical study and application of the theory of the joint, the theoretical link and teaching practice link is perforative in MR study of the whole process. In the high school teacher teaching curriculum, the general education courses, professional courses, teaching practical courses, teaching skill courses and teaching theory course inorganic combined, according to the different levels of training purpose of various courses of the basic structure, slowly set to curriculum form changed to open curriculum form. 目录: |