
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


South Korean Chinese classroom in the last few years, the collaborative teaching mode, which has a full range of influence on Chinese teaching preparation and teaching. Preparing for the implementation of classroom teaching and the implementation of the quality of the students. In this paper, it is important to cooperate with China and South Korea to match the background, the significance, content and implementation of the collaborative preparation of teachers in the debate. 1. "Collaborative planning", two or more teachers in the same time and space, according to the teaching of the students in the same class, teaching materials, collaboration, review debate is about to teach the course, the teacher's needs and teaching methods and constitute a lesson plan. The two bit and even a number of teachers have to learn from each other in a cooperative, complementary advantages, to do the analysis of the students, teaching materials and teaching methods, to find a more scientific approach. 2. Compared to the "lessons alone ',' collaborative lessons' has the following advantages. First and foremost, the cooperative preparing for lessons easy invention "lesson blind"; secondly, the cooperative preparing for lessons to the teaching material, teaching capital accurately and Mr. docking; again, the cooperative preparing for lessons may bring teaching method of changeable. Initially, in collaborative lesson preparation process can perhaps so that both sides of the teacher in the course of their work with growth. 3. Collaborative planning needs to be from "Sir" "teaching material" "teaching method". Mr. "co production", because the South Korean teacher about the idea, the degree, the National People's minds and other factors, need to make their choice and determine the learning materials, and the Chinese teachers should be in the interest of the students, will have the appeal of learning materials appear to mr.. "Collaborative teaching material preparation process, Korean faculty on familiar with the teaching of the eve of the outline, teaching materials, curriculum capital more clearly, and Chinese teacher can perhaps raised in the teaching of the important and difficult points and interest identity, cut Mr. fear of emotion, growth dynamic learning. Important cast "collaborative lesson" between teacher communication advantage "collaborative preparation teaching method", that speaking of the invention, frequent exchange of ideas of natural, teaching evaluation of diversification and so on, Chinese teacher speak advantage and Korean Faculty of joint venture with the temptation Zhou Quanzao Mr., attach importance to its growth. This article wishes to integrate the "cooperative learning" strategy, which is adapted to the "cooperative education" of "South Korean Chinese Collaborative Teaching" strategy.

