跟着中韩两国双边商业范围的赓续扩展,韩语论文题目,经贸接洽的赓续深刻,韩语论文网站,中韩互相间的市场依附度也日趋加深,同时,东亚区域经济协作特殊是东亚区域双边自贸协议的成长,使中韩两国树立中韩自在商业区的需要性日趋增强。中韩两国在家当构造上具有互补性的基本,在直接投资构造和在商业构造上也反响出中韩自在商业区的可行性在赓续增强。本文在中韩自在商业区树立的实际基本和中韩自在商业区树立的停顿上,剖析了树立中韩自在商业区的客不雅请求和必定请求,并对树立中韩自在商业区的可行性停止了剖析,最初提出分家当或部分慢慢推动、部分区域先行协作、停止商业自在化试点等树立中韩自在商业区的完成途径。 Abstract: Along with China and South Korea bilateral trade range ceaselessly expand, profound economic and trade approached ceaselessly, China and South Korea each market dependent has become increasingly deepen, at the same time, collaboration of economy of East Asia region special is East Asia regional bilateral free trade agreement of growth, so that China and the ROK establishing Sino Korea free trade area of the need to enhance day by day. China and South Korea in the industrial structure is complementary, in the direct investment structure and on the trade structure also reflect China South Korea Free Trade Area of the feasibility in continuously strengthened. Set up in China and South Korea free trade area set up basic theory and China South Korea free business district pause, analyzes the established the indecent request and the inevitable request of the China South Korea Free Trade Area of the customers, and to establish the feasibility of Sino Korea free trade area to carry on the analysis, originally proposed separation when part or pushing slowly, some advance regional cooperation, stop trade liberalization pilot establishing Sino Korea Free Trade Area of the way to finish. 目录: 内容提要 4-6 第1章 导论 6-13 1.1 选题意义 6-7 1.2 国内外文献综述 7-10 1.3 中韩自由贸易区建立的理论基础 10-11 1.4 论文结构与主要观点 11-12 1.5 创新之处与不足 12-13 第2章 建立中韩自由贸易区的进展状况 13-17 2.1 中韩自由贸易区的民间探讨阶段 13 2.2 中韩自由贸易区的管产学联合探讨阶段 13-14 2.3 中韩投资六次联席会议概况 14-17 第3章 建立中韩自由贸易区的必要性略论 17-26 3.1 东亚区域经济合作与双边自贸协定发展的客观要求 17-20 3.2 中韩两国双边贸易发展的必然要求 20-26 第4章 建立中韩自由贸易区的可行性略论 26-37 4.1 中韩互补性产业结构的基础性影响 26-27 4.2 中韩直接投资的促进影响 27-28 4.3 中韩贸易结构的竞争性与互补性略论 28-37 第5章 中韩自由贸易区的实现路径 37-44 5.1 分产业或部门逐步推进中韩自由贸易区的实现 37-40 5.2 局部区域的贸易自由化试点为中韩自由贸易区奠定基础 40-44 注释 44-46 参考文献 46-51 致谢 51-52 中文摘要 52-55 ABSTRACT 55-57 |