中外协作办学是中国上世纪80年月以来涌现的教导新景象,是我们的教导摸索国际化计谋的举动。办学从无到有,由弱到强,经由几十年的艰苦成长,就全体而言,中外协作的办学数目有了年夜幅晋升,所在不只从北上广深,江浙沪蓬勃城市扩展到中西部地域,办学条理也从幼儿园到硕博教导也在慢慢晋升,协作办学措施也逐步扩展化庞杂化,这些都给我们的教导者和受教导者供给了优越的平台。然则,经由近几年年夜量教导家、学者和协作办学从业人员的研究发明,中外协作办学的诸多成绩如办学不严谨、违背办学主旨、办学条理良莠不齐等也给国人带来了许多的负面作用,乃至危及家长和先生对黉舍与教导机构的信赖度。在本论文中,韩语论文范文,作者引见了项目治理的根本实际,治理学的现实应用,引见了今朝我国中外协作办学的根本情形和地点单元江西外语外贸职业学院的中外协作办学情形,联合近几年在中外协作办学中的现实任务经历,作者经由过程把项目治理实际有用地运用到中外协作办学项目标治理中,以期能使得我院的中韩协作办学在项目治理运转形式下,优化教务体系,进步两边治理本能机能,增强教员师资部队扶植,拓宽中外协作办学的形式,韩语论文题目,进一步强化专业办学优势和特点。自己旨在经由过程整顿后人研究的结果,深刻的剖析和评论辩论以上所论述到的成绩,对我院的中韩协作办学提出具有指点性看法的建议,以期获得加倍长足优越的成长。 Abstract: Chinese and foreign cooperation in running schools in China since the beginning of the last century, the emergence of the new 80 teaching scene, is our guidance to explore the international strategy of the move. Running from scratch, from weak to strong, through decades of hard growth, overall, foreign cooperation in running number have painting of the eve of the promotion, where not only from the north of Guangzhou Shenzhen, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai vigorous city extended to the Midwest, a school organized also from kindergarten to the yuan leads to teach also slowly in the promotion, cooperation in running schools method has gradually expanded to Pang hybrid. These are our teachings and guidance to supply the superior platform. However, in recent years through the teachings, scholars and cooperative education practitioners considers to discover, Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools of many problems such as school is not rigorous, contrary to the managerial tenet, the school organized varies greatly also to the people brought many negative effects and endanger the parents and students of school dormitory and teaching institutions trust degree. In this paper, the author introduces the basic theory of project governance, practical application management, introduces the situation of foreign cooperation in running schools joint education in our country at present the fundamental situation and location of Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies, combined with practical task in foreign cooperation in running schools in recent years experience, the author through the process of the actual project management effectively applied to the joint education project management, in order to make our hospital in China and South Korea cooperation in education project management operation mode, optimizing the educational system, progress on both sides of administrative function, enhancing teachers of teachers' team construction, broaden the joint education form, to further strengthen the professional advantages and characteristics. Themselves to through the rectification process of previous research results, profound analysis and comment on the debate, discussed above to score, in our hospital between China and South Korea cooperation in running schools is proposed with the guidance of view of suggestions, in order to obtain great superior growth doubled. 目录: 摘要 2-3 ABSTRACT 3 第一章 导论 7-15 1.1 探讨背景与探讨意义 7-8 1.1.1 探讨背景 7 1.1.2 探讨意义 7-8 1.2 探讨目的 8-9 1.3 探讨思路与措施 9-12 1.4 中外合作办学管理近况探讨 12-15 1.4.1 国外合作办学近况 12-14 1.4.2 国内合作办学近况 14-15 第二章 相关概念和理论 15-22 2.1 中外合作办学 15-20 2.1.1 中外合作办学的定义 15-16 2.1.2 中外合作办学的发展历程 16-17 2.1.3 中外合作办学的发展趋势 17-20 2.2 项目管理的相关理论 20-22 2.2.1 项目管理的内容 20-21 2.2.2 项目管理的知识体系 21-22 第三章 国内高职院校中外合作办学模式经验及其启示 22-29 3.1 国内高职院校中外合作办学模式 22-24 3.1.1 独立机构办学与非独立机构办学 22-23 3.1.2 嫁接式、融合式、松散式办学 23-24 3.2 国内高职院校中外合作办学经验 24-29 3.2.1 学历互认问题 24-25 3.2.2 教学质量监管体制不完善 25-26 3.2.3 专业特色不明显 26-27 3.2.4 合作模式单一 27-29 第四章 江西外语外贸职业学院中韩合作项目近况及存在的问题 29-45 4.1 项目运行情况 29-31 4.1.1 学院和韩语系简介 29-30 4.1.2 项目办学模式 30-31 4.2 项目运行评价 31-42 4.2.1 评价组织框架 31 4.2.2 评价内容 31-40 4.2.3 评价结果 40-42 4.3 项目存在的问题 42-45 4.3.1 项目建设存在的不足 42 4.3.2 项目运行存在的不足 42-45 第五章 构建江西外语外贸职业学院中韩合作办学项目管理运行模式 45-51 5.1 构建中韩合作项目管理架构 45-47 5.1.1 依法办学 45 5.1.2 合作共赢 45 5.1.3 合作对象 45-46 5.1.4 优质教育 46 5.1.5 考核考察 46 5.1.6 拓展领域 46-47 5.2 优化教务管理 47-48 5.2.1 增强管理职能 47 5.2.2 建立网络管理系统 47-48 5.2.3 建设中韩合作管理监督系统 48 5.3 专门成立中韩合作项目管理模式 48 5.4 改革学生教育模式 48-50 5.4.1 建立综合能力培养方案 49 5.4.2 建立考试测评制度 49 5.4.3 建立多方结合学生管理制度 49-50 5.5 开发优质课程体系 50-51 5.5.1 设置新课程 50 5.5.2 合理安排课程 50-51 第六章 江西外语外贸职业学院中外合作办学项目建设与运行建议 51-55 6.1 项目建设建议 51-52 6.1.1 加强建设质量监控 51 6.1.2 探究多种建设模式 51-52 6.2 项目运行建议 52-55 6.2.1 提高服务功能 52 6.2.2 完善内部管理体制 52 6.2.3 加强师资队伍建设 52-53 6.2.4 拓宽中韩合作办学渠道 53 6.2.5 定位专业特色 53-55 第七章 结论与展望 55-57 7.1 探讨的结论 55 7.2 探讨的不足与展望 55-57 致谢 57-58 参考文献 58-60 |