跟着世界乒坛打法赓续改革,直拍反胶打法愈发稀疏,保持这类打法的优良活动员根本在中韩两国之间,并获得了较好的竞赛成就。本文彩用文献材料法、视频不雅察法、三段统计法及比拟剖析法对中国和韩国优良须眉直拍反胶活动员代表王皓、许昕和柳承敏的发球段、接发球段和对峙段停止技巧统计和剖析,探明中韩两国直拍反胶打法今朝在技战术方面的优势与优势,并从中发明中韩两国直拍反胶活动员在技战术运用上数目、后果等方面的差别,从技战术运用角度上找出中韩两国活动员的差别,力图发明韩国直拍反胶打法活动员的专长及长处,查找我国活动员的缺乏,取其精髓,弃其糟粕,以期总结出有价值的研究结果,并针对中国直拍反胶活动员的打法特色提出有针对性的建议,为我国活动员在往后竞赛中能加倍灵巧公道的运用技战术,进一步进步我国直拍反胶打法的技战术程度供给迷信的实际参考。研究重要结论以下:1.中国直拍选手对发球落点掌握更加周密,发球威逼性和掌握性好过韩国直拍选手;韩国直拍选手发球线路选择更丰硕。2.发抢段中国直拍活动员得分别段较多,发球后依附防御型技巧争夺自动,韩语论文网站,韩语论文,全台抢攻才能强;韩国直拍选手副手抢攻凶恶,一击致命才能强;当敌手接发球掌握较为幻想时,中国直拍选手处置球后果更好。3.接发球轮中国直拍选手直接上手才能及台内控球技巧运用后果好过韩国直拍选手,但副手挑在竞赛中运用后果稍差。4.在对峙段,中国直拍活动员正反手得分才能绝对平衡,在中后台中国活动员运用正反手与对方对拉时不落上风。韩国直拍选手步法精彩,跑动规模年夜,副手持续防御才能强,反手是致命弱点。5.整体来看,中国直拍反胶打法技巧细腻,在竞赛中技战术运用灵巧多变,较相符乒坛技战术的成长趋向;韩国直拍反胶打法在副手技巧和步法上具有必定优势,接近新时代乒坛对速度和力气的请求。 Abstract: Follow the world table tennis play continuously reform, penhold inverted play increasingly sparse, keep the class play excellent player fundamental between China and South Korea, and obtained the good competition achievement. This paper adopts the literature material law, video observation method, three segment statistics and comparative analysis of China and South Korea excellent man pen hold activities of member representatives Wang Hao, Xu Xin and Ryu Seung-min's service section, section and section stop receiving ball confrontation skill statistics and analysis, and advantages of proven China and South Korea at present in the technical penhold inverted play the tactical aspect, and the invention of China and South Korea from the number of member of pen hold activities, in the technical and tactical application on the consequences of the differences between China and South Korea, to find out the player from a tactical point of application of the differences, expertise and strengths to shoot straight South Korea invention reverse play campaign, lack about our athletes, take the essence and discard the dross, in order to summarize the valuable research results, and for the China pen hold athletes play characteristics puts forward specific suggestions for me Country member in the future competition can double smart reasonable technical and tactical application. Further progress penhold inverted play in China's technical and tactical level provide scientific reference. Study is as follows: 1. Chinese penhold player to serve placement grasp more carefully, serve coercion and the master is better than Korean penhold players; Korean penhold players tee line selection more fruitful. 2. Grab some Chinese penhold player scores don't more. After serving attachment defensive skills for automatic, Taiwan attacking ability; Deputy Korean penhold player attacking evil, a fatal blow to strong; when the opponent receiving master more fantasy, Chinese penholders handled the ball and better effects. . receiving the ball round Chinese penhold player directly to get started and internal control ball skills and application effect is better than Korean penhold players, but the deputies pick in the competition effect is a bit poor. In confrontation, Chinese penhold players forehand and backhand score to absolute balance in in the background of the Chinese athletes Ying Yongzheng backhand with each other to pull do not fall wind. 4. South Korea penholders step exciting, running scale big, Deputy Defense continued ability, backhand is fatal weakness. 5. The overall point of view, Chinese penhold inverted play skills and delicate, in competition of technical and tactical application of agility, more in line with the growth of table tennis technique and tactics trend; Korean penhold inverted play in deputy skills and footwork has certain advantages, close to new era of table tennis on speed and strength request. 目录: |