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한국 관광안내문의 일본어 번역 연구 : 오류유형 분석 및 표준화 시안 개발을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

본 연구는 우리의 관광자원을 해설 안내하는 일본어 번역문의 내용이 일관성이 없고 신뢰성이 없는 오류나 오역 투성이라면, 이는 관광안내문으로서의 본디 역할을 다하지 못하는 것이 되...

본 연구는 우리의 관광자원을 해설 안내하는 일본어 번역문의 내용이 일관성이 없고 신뢰성이 없는 오류나 오역 투성이라면, 이는 관광안내문으로서의 본디 역할을 다하지 못하는 것이 되며, 관광객과 관광자원 사이의 의사소통에 어려움을 초래할 뿐만 아니라, 국가적인 이미지 손상과 더 나아가 관광객 유치와 관광산업의 선진화에 장애가 된다는 문제의식에서 시작되었다.
특히, 서울을 찾는 일본인 관광객의 약 1/3이 조선시대 5궁으로 일컬어지는 고궁을 찾고 있는 현실에서, 고궁에 대한 관광안내정보를 제공하는 일본어 번역문(인쇄매체, 표지매체, 인터넷매체)의 실태가 어떠한지에 필자는 관심을 갖게 된 것이다.
이에 필자는 일본어로 번역되어진 이들 관광안내문의 내용이 우리말 원문 텍스트의 정보를 [(1)일관성이 있고 신뢰성이 있는 번역 텍스트로 옮겨 놓았는지? (2)번역문은 일본어 감각을 자연스럽게 살리고 있는지?]에 초점을 맞추어, 이들 번역문에 대한 오류실태조사와 문제점을 분석하였다.

본 연구는 기존의 문학작품 번역 오류에 관한 연구 등에서 다루어지는 언어표현 면에서의 오류분석 뿐만 아니고, 전통문화 및 역사적 사실을 나타내는 어휘상의 오류분석도 함께 다루었으며, 보다 신뢰성

Suppose Korean-Japanese translations to explain and guide our tour resources are not consistent and reliable with a lot of errors and mistranslation, they will not serve as tour information guides. Translational errors in tour information guides not...

Suppose Korean-Japanese translations to explain and guide our tour resources are not consistent and reliable with a lot of errors and mistranslation, they will not serve as tour information guides.
Translational errors in tour information guides not only bring about trouble in communication between tourists and tour resources and do damage to the national image, but also have negative effects on the attraction of tourists and promotion of the tourism industry.
This study begins with this point of view and critical mind.

Because about one-third of Japanese tourists coming to Korea are actually visiting ancient palaces called as five palaces in Chosun Dynasty, I became interested in the realities of Korean-Japanese translations which provide tour information guides regarding those palaces, including the medium of printing, binding, and the Internet.
Accordingly, I analyzed the problems and investigated the actual condition of errors in those translations, focused on how Korean tour information guides are translated into Japanese in terms of (1) translating consistent and reliable texts, (2) making the most of Japanese sense naturally.
This study deals with the analysis of errors in vocabulary which represents traditional culture and historical facts as well as in linguistic form which is handled in the study of errors in translation of existing literary works.
It was prepared under the supervision of 17 Japanese native speakers in order to accomplish more precise and reliable analysis.

The purpose of this study is to correct the errors in translation of tour information guides through not only investigating the actual condition of errors in those translations but analyzing such problems as well.
Futhermore, I would like to make up a vocabulary work-book which will contribute to improving Korean-Japanese translation of tour information guides as one of standardization draft development plans.
I was able to figure out those four results incidentally through the process of research and analysis in about two years and six months.

(1) We must be faithful and accurate in the contents of Korean information guides before they are handed over to a translator.
(2) We must take into consideration the educational level and specialty of Japanese native speakers which will be in charge of the supervision.
(3) Even as the vocabularies with reference to traditional culture and history which are used in the information guides of old palaces are mistranslated, thus inconsistent with the original message, we badly need a vocabulary work-book such as vocabulary lists presented in chapter 3, section 2 of this study so that we can translate those terms more consistently.
(4) To avoid unfaithful translation and make a translator more responsible for translation, we must adopt the real name of translator.

I think it is necessary for both public places such as the Korean National Tourism Association and translation enterprises which are in charge of translating those involved in tourism resources to bear in mind those four details mentioned above so that they can manage the whole process of producing translations generally and systematically and reconsider the quality of translations.

It seem to me that the example of vocabulary lists presented in chapter 3, section 2 in this study not only makes a translator use them with objective standards when translating the terminologies which are concerned with traditional culture and history, but also improves the quality of Korean-Japanese translation for Korean tour resources information guides.

I feel something wanting because this study was limited to five palaces in Chosun Dynasty, accordingly I wasn't able to collect a great number of vocabularies and some of vocabularies are concerned with ones provoking national sentiment, thus I wasn't able to decide appropriate terms at my own discretion.

I am going to collect and analyze the errors in Korean-Japanese imperfect translation found here and there, based on the analysis materials and results of this study, simultaneously correct those errors in translations and make up a vocabulary work-book more faithfully which will be used properly when doing Korean-Japanese translation of tour resources information guides in connection with traditional culture.
I hope it would finally contribute to the improvement and development for the image of Korean tourism.
