결혼이민자 복지욕구와 결혼만족도에 관한 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The government finds effective way of policy according to general features of married immigrants families, and develops new professional groups from preference survey for their jobs, and also gives them better lives with customized education and train...

The government finds effective way of policy according to general features of married immigrants families, and develops new professional groups from preference survey for their jobs, and also gives them better lives with customized education and training as well as provides with basic information for arranging institutional apparatus of social and welfare service side.
Married immigrants who dwell in Daegu Metropolis were polled to grasp their actual condition and deduce any problems form it.
500 married immigrants were surveyed and 321 research data was analyzed. The survey period was from November 10th to December 5th in 2011.
The result of this study may be summarized as follows.
First, On the question that "Do you know about the married-immigrants policy of Daegu City?" 41.1% YES means low recognition and that they know our society is very interested in academic career.
And there are many married immigrants who didn't get learning opportunity in their mother country but want to enroll in Korea National Open highschool, which means that we should promote this system a lot.
Second, On the question that "Do you think you need to learn Korean language to overcome the language barrier?" the answer of YES is 76.6%. On the average age of marriage, under 24 years is 26.5%, 25 to 29 is 36.1%, 30 to 34 is 19.9% and over 35 year is 17.4%. They seems to get married at very young age and on the age gab from their husband, under 5 years is just 17.1%, over 6 is 82.9%, over 11 is 58.2% and even over 21 is 13.1%, which means social problems form age gab may happen.
And 52% of the married immigrants have been made through International Wedding Company.
Third, On the question of working during in Korea, 85.7% YES means that their interest in job is very high.
On the question that "Do you have trouble between family members with the amount of sending money to their mother country?" 36.5% was YES. Work motivation is 54.5% economic independence to remit their parents and relations money, for which those who are from Vietnam and Philippine are relatively higher than China.
What they want as a job is that translation is the most with 31.8% and as pay for it under about $1,000 to $1,490 is the most with 49.5%. For economic satisfaction and payroll management , just average is 56.1% and by husband is 56.4%. For appropriate amount of remittance and the use purpose, under $100 is the most with 33.6% and for living expenses is 59.4%.
Forth, On the need of education for their children, over 80% YES means that desire for education is high and besides one of visit training and native language is over 4.0 scored out of 5.0. For the needed age on their education and suitable times a week, 6 to 7 age is 43.9% and under 2 times a week is 44.2% as the most answer. As the kind of the most wanted education and place for it, Korean language is 58.6% and Multicultural center is 39.9%. They prefer the government on the 46.1% answer as an organization that controls their children education.
Fifth, wedding way of married immigrants is first through International Wedding Company with 52.0% and the next for it is Love with 42.1% and then economics follow with 19.3%. For Age Gab, under 5 years is 17.1% and 6 to 10 is 24.6% and then 11 to 15 is 25.5% and the next is 19.6% 16 to 20 and the last 13.1% over 20.
Marriage satisfaction is not all related to nationality and years of marriage, neither are interaction effects between both of them. Marriage satisfaction is not all related to nationality and academic career, neither are interaction effects between both of them. Marriage satisfaction is not all related to nationality and age, neither are interaction effects between both of them. Marriage satisfaction is related to marriage motivation but there are not interaction effects between nationality and marriage motivation. Marriage satisfaction is not all related to nationality and the number of children, neither are interaction effects between both of them. Marriage satisfaction is not all related to nationality and wedding way, neither are interaction effects between both of them. Marriage satisfaction is not all related to nationality and age gab, neither are interaction effects between both of them. Marriage satisfaction is related to nationality and husband's income but there are not interaction effects between both of them. Marriage satisfaction is all related to nationality and husband's property, but no interaction effects between both of them. As you can see above, marriage satisfaction is not related to nationality but related to the marriage motivation of which Love is the most high.

우리나라는 저출산․고령화에 대비해 결혼이민자 가족의 일반적 특성에 따른 정책의 효율적인 방안을 마련하고, 결혼이민자 가족의 직업에 대한 선호도 조사를 통해 새로운 직업군을 개발...
