병영생활전문상담관의 직무환경 분석과 군 상담관 제도의 개선방안 연구 : 10개 부대 운영사례를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The professional counselor for army life system, introduced for the purpose of preventing accidents in the army since 2005, has been operated over 10 years so far and many efforts and researched were conducted to improve efficiency of system and quali...

The professional counselor for army life system, introduced for the purpose of preventing accidents in the army since 2005, has been operated over 10 years so far and many efforts and researched were conducted to improve efficiency of system and quality of counseling. Especially, the assault accident in Yeoncheon(also known as ‘Private Yoon incident’) in 2014 and the gun fire at random accident by GOP soldier of interest in the front line of Eastern battle line(also known as ‘Sergeant Lim incident’) in same year caused manu social effects and requested the innovation of army life and culture as major task to the military. In constructing safe and communicating army life and culture, the professional counselor for army life system plays very important role and the military started to seek for expansion and revitalization of the system starting from 2014. This research is to deduct the improvement plan for revitalization and success of this professional counselor for army life system. Any good research cannot have good ground, if difficulties of the people who are working at the field are not reflected to the research. Therefore, former researches were biased to effectiveness and operational part of the system, this research conducted analysis on actual working environment of which actual professional counselors for army life are encountering. And the job environment was divided into 8 items as follows and it reified the actual job environment factor; 1) working condition, 2) welfare, 3) salary, 4) occupational stability, 5) job training, 6) supervision 7) handling difficulty 8) supporting to work. Based on established research task, I conducted in-depth research for 2 months with the subjects as 10 professional counselors for army life in 10 troops of national military forces. The result from research is as follows. First, for working condition, welfare environment and salary, professional counselors for army life were in poor working environment compared to private counselors or civilian officers in the military and many operational problems were found. Second, for the awareness on occupational stability by counselor, over 50 percent counselors felt the job is not stable, and the job training for improving occupational stability and counseling capability and supervision system had improvement points as well. Third, there is no system to handle difficulties of professional counselors for army life. As there is no integrated responsible department for operation of the system, the counselors should solve difficulties and recommendations by themselves. Fourth, in supporting to work, their relationship with commanders and staff officers was generally amicable and a certain independence of work and self-development was guaranteed. But, also many problems were found such as insufficient operation cost, supporting vehicle problem and meal problem. The improvement plan gained through analysis on status is as follows. First, the manpower should be expanded and counseling service associated with civilian organizations should be set up and different counseling room operation and structure be each troops should be unified. Second, housing and using monthly leave for counselors should be supported and using military welfare facility and medical facility should be guaranteed. Third, for salary, salary step system should be introduced and extra pay and bonus in accordance with that of soldiers and civilian officer in the military should be paid. Fourth, the counselors should be converted as civilian officer in the military position and renewal of employment contract should be improved. And for this, the first thing to be conducted is to improve irrational current evaluation system into fair and objective way. Fifth, overall improvement on job training and supervision system should be performed. Current job training and supervision system for the purpose of strengthening counseling ability should be improved in terms of efficiency and fairness. Sixth, handling difficulty system, which is not existing currently, for counselors should be made. Seventh, work support system for counselors should be strengthened and the whole army integrated responsible department for army life professional counselor should be established. Finally, 4 realistic and effective policies based on above improvement plans were proposed. The ultimate purpose of this research is the success and development of professional counselor for army life system and the development of combat power through this. The officials of Ministry of National Defense should reconsider policy implicit point and implication by paying attention to above items.

'05년부터 군내 사고예방을 목적으로 도입된 병영생활전문상담제도는 지금까지 10년 이상 운영되면서 제도의 효율성과 군 상담의 질을 높이기 위한 많은 노력과 연구들이 있어왔다. 특히 ...
