任何说话的疑问代词都是属于运用频率较高的词。韩语和汉语的疑问代词也不破例。汉韩语疑问代词“甚么”和“(?)”的运用规模比拟广,其功效及其庞杂,即有疑问用法,也有非疑问用法。别的,韩语的“(?)”和汉语的“甚么”在各类用法上,有对应的一面,也有纰谬应的一面,其进修难度比拟高,而我们的对外汉语教授教养重要目标就是造就出能运用汉语的这些说话资料停止外交的人才,这就请求说话学研究者供给有关这一方面的比较研究结果。以往比较汉语和韩语疑问代词“甚么”和“(?)”的论文根本局限于疑问用法,很少触及到其非疑问用法。本文将重点放在汉韩疑问代词“甚么”和“(?)”的非疑问用法比较。全文由四个部门组成。第一章是绪论。起首,写了成绩的提起并慢慢睁开了研究目标及研究意义,解释了写这篇文章的初志。其次,交卸了研究规模、研究办法、语料起源及文中所运用的符号。最初,写了相干研究概略。第二章重要比较了汉语疑问代词“甚么”和韩语疑问代词“(?)”的非疑问用法中的单指性有指用法。经由过程体系的比较和描述并自创后人的研究,论述了作者对其用法的懂得。即有指用法分为了两种;一种是单指性有指用法,一种是多指性有指用法。本章重要研究其单指性有指用法-虚指用法、借指用法。第三章重要比较了汉语疑问代词“甚么”和韩语疑问代词“(?)”的多指性有指用法-任指用法、类指用法。第四章比较了非疑问用法中的非指用法,重要比较了其否认用法、反问用法和其它非疑问用法。最初是结语,对本文的内容作了总结,指出了本文的缺乏的地方。 Abstract: Any talk of interrogative pronouns belong to the application of the high frequency words. Korean and Chinese interrogative pronoun is no exception. Chinese and Korean interrogative pronoun "what" and "(?)" the scale of application more widely, its functions and complex, namely interrogative usages, also non interrogative usage. Other Korean "(?)" and Chinese "what" in various usage, corresponding to the side and PI perverted side, the difficulty of learning is relatively high, and the important goal of our foreign language teaching is created to application of the Chinese language of the speech data to stop foreign talent, which requires research learning to speak suppliers about the comparison of research results. In the past, Chinese and Korean interrogative pronoun "what" and "(?)" the fundamental limitation in interrogative usages, but rarely touch the non interrogative usage. This will focus on the Chinese and Korean interrogative pronoun "what" and "(?)" the non interrogative usage of comparison. The thesis consists of four parts. The first chapter is the introduction. First of all, the results of the write up and slowly open the discussion the goal and significance of research, explains the writing of this article at the beginning. Secondly, the application of lost scale, research methods, and the symbol of the origin of the corpus. First, the relevant research summary writing. The second chapter compares Chinese interrogative pronoun "why" and Korean pronouns "(?)" the non interrogative usage in single finger of usage. Through the comparative research and description of the process system and from the later generations, discusses the author to understand its usage. The usage is divided into two types; one is to have a multi usage, is refers to a usage. This chapter discusses the important usage of single finger virtual reference usage, refers to. The third chapter compares Chinese interrogative pronoun "why" and Korean pronouns "(?)" refers to a usage, usage, generic use of any means. The fourth chapter compares the non interrogative usage of non referential, important compares its usage, usage and other rhetorical deny non interrogative usage. The first is the conclusion, the content of this article is summarized, points out the lack of this place. 目录: 摘要 6-7 Abstract 7 第一章 绪论 10-20 1.1 探讨目的及意义 10 1.2 探讨范围及探讨措施 10-11 1.3 语料来源 11 1.4 有关探讨概况 11-20 1.4.1 汉语“什么”的探讨概况 11-16 1.4.2 韩语疑问代词“(?)”的探讨概况 16-20 第二章 “什么”和“(?)”的单指性有指用法对比 20-35 2.1 汉语“什么”和韩语“(?)”的虚指用法对比 20-30 2.1.1 虚指的“什么”充当宾语 20-22 2.1.2 虚指的“什么”充当定语 22-23 2.1.3 虚指的“什么”修饰介词宾语 23-28 2.1.4 虚指的“(?)”充当主语 28 2.1.5 虚指的“(?)”充当宾语 28-29 2.1.6 虚指的“(?)”充当谓语 29-30 2.2 汉语“什么”和韩语“(?)”的借指用法对比 30-35 2.2.1 “什么”借指未知信息 30-31 2.2.2 “什么”借指不愿说的特殊信息 31-32 2.2.3 “什么”借指不必说的次要信息 32-35 第三章 “什么”和“(?)”的多指性有指用法对比 35-51 3.1 汉语“什么”和韩语“(?)”的任指用法对比 35-46 3.1.1 任指的“什么”充当主语 35-38 3.1.2 任指的“(?)”充当主语 38 3.1.3 任指的“什么”充当定语 38-40 3.1.4 任指的“什么”充当宾语 40-46 3.2 汉语“什么”和韩语“(?)”的类指用法对比 46-51 3.2.1 “X什么的”形式 47-48 3.2.2 “什么X(的)Y(的)”形式 48 3.2.3 “什么X(啊)Y(啊)”形式 48-49 3.2.4 “什么X,什么X,……”形式 49-51 第四章 汉语“什么”和韩语“(?)”的非指用法对比 51-71 4.1 汉语“什么”和韩语“(?)”的否定用法对比 51-56 4.1.1 汉语“什么”的否定用法 52-54 4.1.2 韩语“(?)/(?)”的否定用法 54-56 4.2 汉语“什么”和韩语“(?)”的反诘用法对比 56-65 4.2.1 “什么”做宾语表示否定意义 56-59 4.2.2 “什么”作定语表示反问 59-63 4.2.3 充当主语构成反问句 63-65 4.2.4 充当谓语表示反问 65 4.3 其他非疑问用法 65-71 结语 71-76 参考文献 76-78 |