留先生汉语词混杂景象是以后辞汇研究界非常存眷的课题。这不只是因为辞汇教授教养在对外汉语教中的主要位置,也由于它在汉语作为(第二说话)的教授教养中经常给汉语为第二说话的韩国留先生带来懂得和现实应用上的艰苦。本文联合本身多年学汉语辞汇的阅历,韩语论文,我们以为对韩国粹生来讲,由于词语含有雷同的汉字(组成词的语素)而混杂词语的意义及用法的情形在韩国留先生进修汉语的进程中成绩特殊凸起,在说话习得实际指点下设计了查询拜访问卷,获得第一手材料,并对取得的数据停止列表比拟与统计剖析。据此拔取待考核的词目,并采取说话习得、比较剖析、进修战略等实际说明因受韩语汉字的作用而在习得汉语进程中发生的词语混杂景象。论文主体为三部门:第一部门考核韩国汉字的界说与演化过程、数目与运用规模。第二部门是剖析韩国汉语词的类型,解释今朝韩国汉语词的作用水平。第三部门是经由过程韩国粹生对韩国汉语词的问卷剖析,韩语论文网站,比拟各个分歧类型的韩国汉语词对韩国留先生汉语习得进程的现实作用,及其作用下发生的偏误,并对这些偏误停止种别剖析。最初一部门针对以上的偏误类型和偏误的缘由,提出有针对性的教授教养对策。 Abstract: The mixed picture of Chinese words in the future is a topic of great concern to the research community. It's not just because of the vocabulary teaching in teaching Chinese as a foreign language in the main position, due to the Chinese as teaching (Second Language) often to the Chinese as the second language of South Korean students studying bring understanding and practical application of hard. This paper itself for years to learn Chinese vocabulary experience, we thought for the quintessence of Han students speaking, because the words containing the same Chinese character word is composed of morphemes and hybrid meaning and usage of words leave students studying Chinese in the process of the special achievement raised in South Korea, saying words acquisition practice under the guidance of design query visit questionnaire and get the first-hand materials, and the data obtained stop list compared and statistical analysis. Accordingly, choose to be assessment of the entries and take speak acquisition, comparison analysis, learning strategies and practice, it shows that due to the influence of Korean Chinese and of words occurring in the acquisition of Chinese in the process of scene mix. This paper is composed of three departments: the first department assessment definition and evolution process, and the number of the application scale of South Korea Chinese characters. The second section is to analyze the types of Korean Chinese words, and to explain the influence level of Korean Chinese words at present. The third sector is via Korea quintessence students of Korean Chinese word questionnaire analysis, compare different types of Korean Chinese word to South Korea left the practical impact of Mr. Chinese acquisition process, and its influence on the errors, and the error stop category analysis. The first part aims at the reason and type of errors of the above errors, put forward the countermeasure of teaching. 目录: 摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4 第1章 引论 7-13 1.1 选题的动机与意义 8-9 1.1.1 选题的动机 8 1.1.2 选题的意义 8-9 1.2 前贤探讨综述 9-10 1.3 本文探讨的主要思路和采用的理论与措施 10-11 1.3.1 主要思路 10 1.3.2 采用的主要理论 10-11 1.3.3 本文采用的主要措施 11 1.4 本文的创新之处 11-12 1.5 语料来源与编排准则 12-13 第2章 韩语中采用汉语词的主要特点略论 13-26 2.1 韩语汉语词的定义与范围 13-17 2.1.1 定义与历史演变 13-14 2.1.2 数量与使用范围 14-17 汉语系统的汉语词 15-16 日语专业统的汉语词 16 韩国汉语词 16-17 2.2 韩语汉语词的特征 17-18 2.3 韩语汉语词的分类 18-26 2.3.1 同形异义词 18-20 同形完全异义词 19-20 同形不完全异义词 20 2.3.2 异形同义词 20-26 异形完全同义词 20-22 异形不完全同义词 22-26 第3章 韩语留学生韩语汉语词与汉语词混淆调查与略论 26-50 3.1 调查目的 26 3.2 调查对象选定与问题设计 26-27 3.3 调查问卷略论统计 27-50 3.3.1 调查问卷统计略论 36-48 3.3.2 调查问卷统计略论结论 48-50 韩国汉语词对韩国留学生学习汉语产生正迁移与负迁移 48 韩国留学生汉语教授过程中需注意的韩语汉语词类型 48-50 第4章 教学对策 50-52 4.1 注重词汇教学中的偏误略论 50 4.2 注重不同词类的区别教学 50 4.3 注重培养韩国留学生的阅读和写作能力 50-51 4.4 注重韩国留学生使用的教材和词典 51-52 附录 调查问卷 52-55 致谢 55-56 参考文献 56-58 攻读学位期间的探讨成果 58 |