第二说话(汉语)教授教养中对于“了”的教授教养一向是最主要的语法点,相干研究也很丰硕,然则对于母语为多数平易近族说话的第二说话(汉语)进修者习得汉语“了”的研究却少之又少,个中有关维吾尔族先生习得情形的研究结果更是百里挑一,而经由过程我们的历久不雅察,维吾尔族先生“了”的运用频率较高,其习得汉语“了”是有必定特色和纪律的,值得我们做进一步的更加具体深刻的研究商量。本文语料起源于两方面,一个是从先生年夜量的课后功课里所造句子和所写短文中找到的和汉语“了”的运用有关的句子,另外一个是经由过程采取问卷查询拜访的办法取得的包括较周全的有关“了”的语法项目标语料。经由过程数据统计剖析,我们获得以下结论:1、维吾尔族先生习得汉语“了”的进程中,在必需用“了”,不克不及用“了”,可以用也能够不消“了”的三种情形中,“了1”偏误率高于“了2”。2、维吾尔族先生习得汉语“了”的否认句,偏误率较高。3、受母语语法构造、语义特点、思想措施作用是维吾尔族先生习得汉语“了”涌现偏误的最重要缘由,也就是说维吾尔语母语负迁徙感化对习得发生较年夜作用,表示为:维吾尔族先生习得汉语“了”受母语作用,重要是受曩昔时的动词变形规矩和维吾尔语句子时光指向特点的作用。维吾尔语是从句子全体明白断定出句子的时态,从而决议动词情势;而汉语则重要经由过程句子外部词与词之间的逻辑关系来断定举措的特点,从而决议能否应当运用“了”。别的,因为汉语“了”自己语律例则,语义前提,语用限制的庞杂性,维吾尔族先生在习得进程中会受相干语法的作用涌现连累型的偏误。4、经由过程比较发明,因为维吾尔语和日语、韩语同属于阿尔泰语系,说话构造特色,语法生成习气较类似,所以维吾尔族先生习得汉语“了”的偏误与日韩先生有类似的地方,他们均受母语负迁徙感化较强,且说话运用上习气运用句尾“了”。本文经由过程对维吾尔族先生习得汉语“了”的特色剖析,试图为针对维吾尔族先生习得汉语“了”的教材编写和教授教养供给必定赞助。 Abstract: A second language (Chinese) teaching in a teaching has always been the most important grammar points, relevant research is very rich also, however a native most plain near family speak the second language (Chinese) learning acquisition of Chinese "" research is less and less, medium Uygur Mr. acquisition case study results is the cream of the crop, and through our long-term observations, Mr. Uygur "the" Application of frequency is higher, the acquisition of Chinese "" is must characteristics and discipline, it is worth us to do further more specific profound research to discuss. The data origin from two aspects, a is from the large amount of Mr. after-school homework made sentences and write in the passage to find and Chinese "associated with the application of sentence, another is by taking questionnaire visit way including more comprehensive about the" grammar items slogan material. Through the process of data statistical analysis, we obtain the following conclusions: 1, Uygur Mr. acquisition Chinese "" in the process, in must use "the", cannot use "the" with also can not fire "" three kinds of situations, "1" error rate higher than the "2". 2, the Uygur language, "the Chinese", "the" denial of a higher error rate. 3, by the native language grammar structure, semantic features, the way of thinking of is Uygur Mr. acquisition of Chinese "the" bias is the most important cause of emergence, that Uyghur language negative transfer effect of learning takes place in a greater impact, said: Mr. acquisition of Uygur Han language "" influenced by their mother tongue, it is important by the past tense verb deformation rules and Uyghur sentence time oriented characteristics of the effect of. Uyghur is from sentence all understand the judgment sentence tenses, to decide the verb forms; and Chinese is an important characteristics through the logical relationship process outside sentence between the word and the word to determine initiatives. To decide whether he should apply the "." Additional, because Chinese own grammar rules, semantic presupposition, pragmatic constraints on the complexity, Mr. Uygur in the acquisition process will by coherent grammar emerging compromise type errors. 4, through comparison method, because of the Uyghur language and Japanese, Korean belong to the Altaic language family, speak tectonic characteristics, habits of generative grammar is similar, so Uygur Mr. acquisition Chinese "" the bias with Japan and South Korea, have similar place, they are negative migration effect is stronger, and speak application habits application at the end of the sentence "the". This article through the process of the acquisition of the Chinese language of the Chinese "the" characteristics of the analysis, trying to be for the acquisition of the Chinese language "of the Chinese language" of the teaching materials and teaching supplies will be sponsored. 目录: |