最近几年来,赴华进修汉语的韩国人数目激增,但因为中韩两种说话系统的差别,韩国留先生在汉语语气词方面的习得情形一向差能人意。绝关于欧美先生而言,韩国粹生运用语气词的志愿比拟激烈,更重视小我语气的表达和外交中礼貌准绳的保护。依据说话习得的迁徙实际,进修者在习得目标语的进程中,弗成防止地会产生迁徙景象,这就为我们研究韩国粹生的习得情形供给了极其无益的参考和启示。本文将从中韩语气词体系的差别动手,起首从说话比拟剖析的角度,将韩国语语尾和汉语语气词停止比拟,找出二者的雷同点和分歧的地方并猜测先生们在进修中能够涌现的偏误情形,尔后联合教授教养查询拜访问卷的查询拜访成果,对韩国留先生语气词的进修迁徙景象停止归结总结,并比较较典范的偏误停止剖析。因为汉语语气词的本体研究还处于成长阶段,新的分类根据、研究角度赓续涌现,许多成绩还没有到达共鸣,是以当今的对外汉语教材中对语气词的讲授比拟简单和缺少体系性。教员教授教养和先生进修的进程中经常会碰着各类各样的成绩,愿望经由过程本文对先生习得偏误的剖析为教授教养和先生的进修供给参考。本文分为五章。第一章引言部门,论述了本论文的选题启事和研究的意义。引见了汉语语气词本体研究、本国留先生汉语语气词习得研究和第二说话习得实际研究的根本情形。第二章重要引见在当今对外汉语教授教养中语气词的教授教养情形和教授教养中所碰到的难点和重点。偏重点对“啊”、“吗”、“吧”“呢”做了剖析。第三章重要引见了韩国语语气的根本表达办法和韩国语语尾在语气表达中的主要感化。第四章联合查询拜访问卷的成果和中韩两种说话在语气表达上的差异点,采取比较剖析的办法剖析先生在汉语语气词习得时的正迁徙和负迁徙,并提出响应的教授教养战略。第五章对全文的内容停止总结指出还没有处理的成绩和本文的局限性,并对对韩汉语语气词教授教养研究停止瞻望。 Abstract: In recent years, went to China to learn Chinese Koreans a surge in the number, but because of Sino South Korean two language systems of difference, the South Korean left Mr. in Chinese tone word acquisition situation has always been poor in satisfying. Absolute in Europe and the United States, and the quintessence of Han students volunteer application the tone of the word analogy intense, pay more attention to the protection of the personal tone expression and diplomatic politeness principle. According to the actual migration speak acquisition, learners in the process of acquisition of the target language, Eph into prevent will produce migration scene, which we discuss Korea student learning conditions provide extremely unhelpful reference and enlightenment. The difference from China and South Korea tone word system of hands-on, chapeau from conversation analysis from the view of analogy, Korean suffix and Chinese modal words compared to find out their same points and differences and speculation gentlemen in the study could emerge of errors. Thereafter combined teaching query visit questionnaire survey results, of South Korean left Mr. tone word transfer of learning scene are summarized, and compared with the model of the error analysis. Because the Chinese modal particle ontology research is still in the growth stage, new classification according to, research angle continuously emerging, many achievements has not arrived at the resonance, is in today's teaching Chinese as a foreign language of modal teaching relatively simple and lack of system. Teachers teaching and students learning process often encounter all sorts of achievements and desire through the acquisition of Mr. partial error analysis for teaching and learning supplies reference. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is introduction, discusses the topics of this paper and the research significance. Introduces the Chinese modal ontology research, its basic situation students of Chinese modality research and second language acquisition acquisition theory research. The emphasis and difficulty encountered in chapter second important introduction in today's foreign language teaching in the tone of the word teaching situation and teaching process. Partial focus on "ah", "", "" do the analysis. The third chapter mainly introduces the important role of Korean expression methods and fundamental tone in the final expression in korean. The fourth chapter combined query visit questionnaire results, China and South Korea two talk in tone expression on the similarities and differences and take comparative analysis method for the analysis of Mr. in the acquisition of Chinese modal particles of positive transfer and negative transfer, and put forward the teaching strategy of response. In Chapter 5, the content of the text to stop concluded that there is no processing of the achievements and the limitations, and of the Han Chinese mood word teaching and research outlook. 目录: |