汉语在表达各类语法意义时平日采取实词和语序,并没有严厉意义上的形状变更,而介词属于实词中比拟主要的一类,而且在运用进程顶用法许多变,这就使得留先生在进修汉语介词时很难懂得它的意义和用法。加上在韩语语法中并没有一类词可以或许与汉语介词绝对应,韩语论文网站,这也就让许多的韩国留先生在进修介词时步履维艰。汉语中的对象介词“对、向、跟”运用频率很高,在有些场景三个介词是可以交换的,但许多时刻倒是不克不及交换的。加上在韩语中这三个对象介词都可以被翻译成韩语的格助词““?””,这就让韩国留先生在差别它们的语义和语用时很轻易形成混杂,韩语论文网站,招致偏误的发生。本文经由过程挑选各类语料库里的偏误语料,以偏误剖析法为主剖析和研究了形成对象介词“对、向、跟”的偏误缘由。经由过程剖析,韩国留先生在运用以上三个介词形成的偏误种别重要有漏用、错用、误加、错序和杂揉;而发生偏误的缘由重要是母语的负迁徙、目标语泛化、躲避行动和在对外汉语教授教养中的误导等方面。最初,依据这三个对象介词涌现的偏误笔者提出了三方面的教授教养战略:针对性教授教养、凸起性教授教养、情形教授教养。 Abstract: Chinese in expressing various grammatical meaning taken on a weekday, notional words and word order, and no change in the strict sense of shape, and prepositions notional words in comparison with the main class, but also in the application process of top usage many, which makes students studying in preposition study very hard to understand its meaning and usage. And in Korean grammar and no words may and Chinese preposition should be the absolute, this also let many Korean left Mr. learning prepositions in struggling. In Chinese, the frequency of Object Preposition "to, to, and with" is very high, in some scenes three prepositions can be exchanged, but many times it is not the exchange of. With these three objects in Korean prepositions can be translated into Korean grid particle "?"" , which makes it easy for the South Korean students to form a mix of their semantic and pragmatic differences, resulting in the occurrence of errors. In this paper, through the process of selecting corpus of corpus, the error analysis and discussion of the formation of the Object Preposition "on, to, with" the reason for the bias. Through the analysis of the process, the Korean students studying in the application of the above three prepositions formed errors for important leak, misuse, plus false, wrong order and hybridity; and the errors of the main reasons is mother tongue negative migration, generalization of the target language, to avoid the action and in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language misleading. At first, according to the three object prepositions, the author puts forward three aspects of the teaching strategies: the teaching of the target, the raised teaching, the situation of teaching. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 1 绪论 8-12 1.1 探讨意义 8-9 1.2 对象介词现有的探讨成果 9-10 1.3 探讨措施 10 1.4 语料来源 10-12 2 介词“对”“向”“跟”的偏误略论及原因略论 12-26 2.1 韩国留学生使用对象介词偏误概述 12-13 2.2 介词“对”的偏误及原因略论 13-15 2.2.1 “对”的漏用 13 2.2.2 “对”的错用 13-14 2.2.3 “对”的误加 14 2.2.4 “对”的错序 14 2.2.5 “对”的杂揉 14-15 2.3 介词“向”的偏误及原因略论 15-18 2.3.1 “向”的漏用 15 2.3.2 “向”的错用 15-16 2.3.3 “向”的误加 16-17 2.3.4 “向”的错序 17 2.3.5 “向”的杂揉 17-18 2.4 介词“跟”的偏误略论 18-21 2.4.1 “跟”的漏用 18-19 2.4.2 “跟”错用 19-20 2.4.3 “跟”的误加 20 2.4.4 “跟”的错序 20 2.4.5 “跟”的杂揉 20-21 2.5 偏误原因略论 21-26 2.5.1 母语负迁移 21-23 2.5.2 目的语知识的干扰 23-24 2.5.3 回避行为 24 2.5.4 对外汉语教学措施的误导 24-26 3 相关的教学策略 26-29 3.1 针对性教学 26-27 3.2 突出性教学 27 3.3 情景教学 27-29 4 结语 29-30 参考文献 30-31 致谢 31 |