最近几年来,“汉语热”急速升温,海内的孔子学院如雨后春笋般蓬勃成长。与中国隔海相望的韩国,已然成为这一行列的“领头军”。韩国汉语教导不只局限于孔子学院,并且高级院校也将汉语作为其?课程。2005年,韩国当局提出在初等黉舍(小学)开设汉语课程,2007岁首年月等黉舍普及汉语课程,这就使汉语教导在韩国进入了一个极新的成长阶段。但是,汉语教导在韩国初等黉舍开设时光较短,各方面成长还尚不成熟,还有相当年夜的空间去开辟、填充和丰硕。笔者在2012年由汉办派到忠清南道瑞山市明智初等黉舍和圣渊初等黉舍任汉语自愿者教员,为期17个月。本辞意在经由过程查询拜访和访谈的措施对忠清南道初等黉舍的汉语教导停止定位懂得,从而发明个中存在的成绩,并试图研讨处理办法和提出建议。研究查询拜访重要分三个部门停止:向忠清南道教导厅和瑞山市教导厅懂得汉语教授教养在初等黉舍的年夜体情形;向13位汉语教员懂得各自黉舍汉语教授教养的详细情形;向部门先生懂得进修汉语的感触感染、碰到的艰苦及进修的请求。三个部门的查询拜访研究重要是经由过程查询拜访问卷和访谈的措施完成,在统计归结后总结出忠清南道汉语教导所面对的成绩,并联合现实成绩及笔者的教授教养经历提出一些建议。愿望对韩国初等黉舍的汉语教导成长有所进献。 Abstract: In recent years, the "Chinese fever" rapid warming, Kong Zi, such as rapid growth of domestic bamboo shoots after a spring rain. China and South Korea across the sea, has become a leader in the ranks of the "". Korean Chinese teaching is not only confined to the Kong Zi Institute, and the higher learning institutions also use Chinese as their curriculum. In 2005, the South Korean authorities proposed in elementary school happen (primary school) courses in Chinese, in early 2007, handing the date of schools popular Chinese language courses, which makes Chinese teaching has entered a new stage of development in South Korea. However, the Chinese teaching in primary schools in South Korea set up a short time, the growth is not yet mature, there is still considerable room to open up, fill and fruitful. The author in 2012 by Han do sent to South Chungcheong Province Rui Shan City wise elementary schools and San Yuan elementary school happen any volunteer Chinese teachers, for a period of 17 months. The speech is intended to through query visit and interview method of Chungcheongnam do elementary schools Chinese teaching position stop know, thereby creating medium in the presence of achievement, and attempts to explore the treatment measures and suggestions are put forward. Research query visits to key points three departments: Teaching of the hall, and Seosan, South Chungcheong province to teach hall know how to give up in elementary school Chinese teaching of the eve of the situation; to 13 Chinese teachers know their respective schools Chinese teaching; to Mr. department know learn Chinese feeling, the difficulty they have ever met and learning request. Three departments of survey study is through investigation questionnaire and interview method to complete, in statistics attributed summarizes Chungcheongnam do Chinese teaching in grades, and combined with real results and the author's teaching experience and puts forward some suggestions. The desire of the Korean Primary School of Chinese teaching to grow up. 目录: 中文摘要 2-3 Abstract 3-4 绪论 7-10 第一章 忠清南道汉语教育历史与初等学校汉语教学概况 10-13 第一节 忠清南道地理位置及汉语教育简史 10-11 第二节 忠清南道初等学校汉语教学概况 11-13 第二章 忠清南道初等学校汉语教学中存在的问题 13-27 第一节 忠清南道汉语教育在规章制度、教学条件上存在的问题 13-19 一、教师选拔培训制度存在的问题 13-15 二、规章制度、教学条件上存在的问题 15-19 第二节 汉语教师存在的问题 19-20 第三节 教材方面存在的问题 20-24 一、不选用正规教材带来的问题 20-21 二、教材的选择方式不够科学 21-22 三、现有教材普遍存在的问题——以你好少儿汉语为例 22-24 第四节 学生存在的问题 24-27 一、学习汉语的动机不明确 25 二、练习机会少,学生容易遗忘 25-26 三、学生学习措施的误区 26-27 第三章 初等学校汉语推广的教学对策及建议 27-37 第一节 制度层面 27-30 一、完善教师选拔培训制度 27-28 二、学校应完善其汉语教学制度 28-30 第二节 教师层面 30-31 第三节 教材层面 31-35 一、教材选择方式的建议 32 二、教材内容方面选择的建议 32-33 三、教材编写方面的建议 33-35 第四节 学生层面 35-37 一、提高学生兴趣、明确学习动机 35-36 二、增加练习机会 36 三、改正学生学习措施 36-37 结语 37-38 参考文献 38-40 附录 40-45 附录1:CPIK汉语志愿者教师调查问卷 40-42 附录2:瑞山市汉语教师调查问卷 42-44 附录3:忠清南道初等学校学生调查问卷 44-45 攻读学位期间发表论文 45-46 致谢 46-47 |