标点符号是汉语口语的一个无机构成部门,在对外汉语的教授教养中应该作为一个不容疏忽的主要内容。然则,今朝绝年夜多半的对外汉语教材在教授教养内容上都没有支配标点符号的专项教授教养,在教室教授教养中,对外汉语教员也常常很轻易疏忽这一部门。是以本国先生对汉语标点符号的运用标准懂得不敷,招致其在汉语书面写作的进程中发生了许多标点符号的运用偏误。本文以北京说话年夜学“HSK静态作文语料库”里中高等汉语程度韩国粹生的标点符号为研究对象,韩语论文,综合运用了语料库操作、偏误剖析、比较研究、数据统计与剖析等研究办法,经由过程数据、图表、例句等情势为帮助,对语估中汉语标点符号的偏误情形停止了周全体系地考核,将这些偏误分类归结为书写情势偏误和运用功效偏误两年夜表示情势,书写情势偏误又可分为本身情势和格局偏误两个方面,韩语论文,功效偏误重要表示为误代、误加、漏用三品种型。考核成果显示功效偏误涌现的次数远远多于书写情势偏误;从标点符号品种的角度来讲,偏误重要集中在逗号、句号这两类标点中。然后还从偏误构成进程中的几个症结身分:先生、教材、教员三个方面动手对偏误发生的缘由停止了商量。最初依据本文的研究结果,在后人的研究基本上提出了几点有针对性的教授教养建议,愿望能为往后的对韩汉语中的标点符号教授教养供给一些可操作性高的教授教养战略。 Abstract: Punctuation is an inorganic form of spoken Chinese department in foreign language teaching should serve as a main content can not be ignored. However, current majority most of Chinese as a foreign language teaching material in the teaching content are not govern punctuation special teaching, in classroom teaching, teachers of Chinese as a foreign language are often very easily to the neglect of this sector. Is the home of Mr. application standard of Chinese punctuation do not know enough, lead to the application of some punctuation errors occurred in the process of Chinese writing. Error error error error error to estimate the degree of static "to the Beijing Language University HSK composition corpus" in higher Chinese Han quintessence of punctuation as the research object, the comprehensive application of the corpus operation, error analysis, comparative study, data statistics and analysis and other research methods, through the process of data, charts, examples and other forms of help to language in Chinese punctuation errors situation stops the comprehensive system assessment, the error classification boils down for writing situation and application effect two of the eve of the said situation, writing forms can be divided into itself situation and pattern of two aspects, the effect is important for the error and error plus, leakage of three type. The assessment results show the number of function errors emerging far more than writing situation bias; from the perspective of varieties of punctuation errors, mainly on commas, these two types of punctuation in the end. Then from the errors in the process of several key factors constitute: Mr., teaching materials, teacher three aspects of reasons for errors happened to stop to discuss. Initially on the basis of the research results of this dissertation in later research basically presents some have for the teaching suggestions, the desire for future of Korean and Chinese punctuation teaching supply some high maneuverability in teaching strategy. 目录: 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 目录 7-9 图表索引 9-10 第1章 绪论 10-18 1.1 汉语标点符号探讨综述 10-11 1.1.1 汉语标点本体探讨 10-11 1.1.2 汉外标点符号对比 11 1.1.3 与对外汉语教学相关的探讨 11 1.2 探讨动机、目的与意义 11-13 1.2.1 探讨动机与目的 11-13 1.2.2 探讨意义 13 1.3 汉韩标点符号的规范用法 13-16 1.3.1 汉语标点符号的规范用法 13 1.3.2 韩语标点符号的规范用法 13-16 1.4 探讨措施 16-18 1.4.1 语料库的运用操作 16-17 1.4.2 偏误略论 17 1.4.3 其他探讨措施 17-18 第2章 标点符号书写形式偏误略论 18-33 2.1 标点符号使用总体情况考察 18-19 2.2 标点符号使用偏误总体情况考察 19-20 2.3 标点符号的书写形式偏误 20-33 2.3.1 标点符号的自身形式偏误 21-27 2.3.2 标点符号的自身形式偏误类型总结 27 2.3.3 标点符号的格式偏误 27-32 2.3.4 标点符号的格式偏误类型总结 32-33 第3章 标点符号功能偏误略论 33-58 3.1 逗号 33-43 3.2 句号 43-48 3.3 顿号 48-50 3.4 引号 50-52 3.5 书名号 52 3.6 冒号 52-53 3.7 分号 53-54 3.8 问号 54-56 3.9 叹号 56 3.10 破折号 56 3.11 省略号 56-57 3.12 标点符号的功能偏误小结 57-58 第4章 标点符号使用偏误原因略论及对韩汉语标点符号教学的建议与设想 58-65 4.1 标点符号使用偏误原因略论 58-63 4.1.1 学生 58-60 4.1.2 教材 60-62 4.1.3 教师 62-63 4.2 对韩汉语标点符号教学的建议与设想 63-65 4.2.1 针对标点符号书写形式偏误的教学建议 63-64 4.2.2 针对标点符号功能偏误的教学建议 64-65 结语 65-66 参考文献 66-70 附录:中华人民共和国国家标准 70-88 致谢 88 |