最近几年来,“汉语热”囊括全球各个国度,韩国作为与中国经济文明来往非常亲密的国度,其汉语进修人数赓续增长,汉语教授教养范围也愈来愈年夜。不只黉舍教导中汉语教授教养的范围在扩展,低至幼儿园,年夜到年夜学里的孔子学院,韩语论文范文,并且黉舍外的汉语教授教养也以分歧的情势成长起来。进修者的进修目标分歧,但进修汉语的热忱绝后低落。韩国除稀有量宏大的历久汉语进修者,还有更多的韩国人由于年夜学选修课、旅游、公事或小我兴致而停止不按期的汉语进修。笔者在韩国停止了为期十个月的黉舍汉语教授教养任务,在理论中发明有一部门韩国汉语进修者选择经由过程韩国EBS播送的情势进修汉语,与之配套的教材有其奇特的特色,在进修者的汉语进修中起着异常主要的感化。这套教材以期刊情势编写,每个月一期,与每周的汉语播送配套停止。每期包括十到十五个不等的单位,每单位环绕一个主题停止听力、课文、辞汇、语法、文明等方面的教授教养。教材受众普遍,没有固定的进修对象,进修时光、进修场合灵巧,合适在非黉舍教授教养的情况中进修汉语的人群,或许作为汉语进修的帮助教材。教材适用性较强,意图经由过程冗长灵巧的课文、清楚无力的讲授,可以或许使进修者学为所用,到达外交目标。经由过程对已有材料的查阅,笔者发明研究此类教材的文章为数不多,是以愿望经由过程对于此套教材的研究为汉语教材的编写提出弥补性的看法。本文经由过程文献研究法、量表统计法、总结归结法等办法先从整体上对这套教材的实用人群、编写理念、教材情势、重点内容等方面停止了掌握,引见了教材各部门的根本情形,又过细地剖析了语音、辞汇、语法、主题点和文明点选择四个部门的教材编写措施和特色,最初总结归结了韩国EBS播送汉语进修配套教材的长处和缺乏。这套教材自己具有奇特性,愿望本文的研究可以或许为汉语教材编写供给灵感和建议。 Abstract: In recent years, the "Chinese fever" include all countries throughout the world, South Korea as and China Economic and cultural contacts very close to the country, the Chinese language training number increases ceaselessly, the scope of Chinese teaching is getting greater and greater. Not only schools taught in Chinese teaching in the range expansion and low to kindergarten, to the eve of the Confucius Institute in the University and schools of Chinese teaching also grow in different situation. Learning objective differences learners, but learning Chinese enthusiasm unprecedented. South Korea in addition to great amount of noble long-term Chinese learners and more Koreans because university elective course, tourism, business or individual interest stop not scheduled in learning Mandarin. The author in South Korea stopped for a period of ten months schools Chinese teaching task, in theory in the invention has a department of Korean Chinese learning choice through the process of EBS Korea broadcasting situation of Chinese education, and the supporting materials has its unique characteristics, in the learner's learning Chinese plays a abnormal important role. This textbook is written in the form of a periodical, one issue per month, and the supporting of Chinese Radio and broadcasting every week. Each issue includes ten to fifteen units ranging from, per unit around a theme stop listening, text, speech vocabulary, grammar, culture and other aspects of teaching. Teaching materials, the audience is generally, there is no fixed learning objects, learning time, learning situation agile, suitable for the case of non school education in the Chinese language of the population, perhaps as a learning aid in Chinese textbooks. The teaching material applicability is strong, the intention through the process of long and flexible text, clear and weak teaching, can make the learner to learn to use, to reach the diplomatic goal. Through the process of access to the existing materials, the author of the study of such textbooks is not much, is the desire to pass through the process on the set of textbooks for the preparation of Chinese teaching materials to make up for the view. Approach in this paper through literature research method, the amount of table statistics, summarizing method, first from the whole of this set of textbooks of practical people, writing ideas, teaching situation, key contents to stop the master, an introduction to the teaching materials of various departments of the basic conditions and meticulous analysis of the speech, speech vocabulary, grammar, theme and civilization choice four departments of textbook compilation methods and characteristics, first summarized the EBS Korea Broadcasting Chinese learning materials supporting the strengths and lack. This set of textbooks has its own unique characteristics, the desire of this study can provide inspiration and suggestions for the preparation of Chinese teaching materials. 目录: |