
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


In all countries, teach social development with basic, guiding and global role, which is of great significance to the popularization of the textbook teaching, raise the essence. History textbooks as a special cultural carrier, the understanding of the knowledge spread and citizens have a far-reaching influence, is also easily become the core of social public sentiment. But in recent years, South Korea in Goguryeo, Bohai history achievement is continuously. In view of this. In this paper, the junior high school history textbooks in South Korea as the breakthrough point is a comprehensive rectification on Koguryo, Bohai history narrative, discuss and Korean junior high school history textbooks to coherent results important differences and the reasons. This paper includes the following five parts: the first chapter discusses the research goal and significance, introduces the academic research of static coherence etc.. The second chapter, South Korea's history teaching experience of social science history Nianye to teach age, course and history of Korean Independent "integration of social science", "integration of social science over time" era. The growth process and important sector in each stage of history textbooks of Korean history teaching content and characteristics. The third chapter and the seventh teaching curriculum reform as an intermediate, rectify in Korean junior high school history textbooks in Goguryeo and Bohai country the contents and important ethnic origin, tribute conferment, combat nature, Bohai continue to wait for a problem. The fourth chapter, discuss the important of China and South Korea Gao Juli, Bohai historical narrative is not on reason and countermeasures. The fifth chapter is conclusion.


摘要   6-7   Abstract   7   第一章 绪论   10-15       1.1 探讨目的及意义   10       1.2 国内外探讨近况   10-14           1.2.1 国内探讨近况   10-12           1.2.2 国外探讨近况   12-14       1.3 探讨措施与创新点   14-15   第二章 韩国的历史教育及教科书   15-23       2.1 历史教育发展历程   15-19           2.1.1 “社会科历史教育”时期   15-16           2.1.2 韩国历史课程的独立以及“统合社会科”的过度时期   16-17           2.1.3 “统合社会科”时期   17-19       2.2 历史教科书的内容和特色   19-23           2.2.1 历史教科书的内容   19-20           2.2.2 历史教科书的特色   20-23   第三章 韩国初中历史教科书中的高句丽、渤海问题叙述   23-33       3.1 有关族源问题叙述   23-25       3.2 有关朝贡、册封问题叙述   25-27       3.3 有关战争问题叙述   27-29       3.4 有关渤海继承问题的叙述   29-33   第四章 韩国初中历史教科书与中国认知冲突之因及其对策   33-43       4.1 韩国初中历史教科书与中国的认知冲突之因   33-38       4.2 韩国初中历史教科书问题的对策   38-43   第五章 结论   43-45   参考文献   45-49   致谢   49-50   附录 (攻读学位期间发表论文目录)   50  
