韩国语中,动词“作为多义词在平常生涯中运用比拟频仍且当普遍。是以,在进修多义动词时,我们不只要控制它的意义,更主要的是要控制它在平常外交运动中运用的语用义。因为说话情况的分歧,所表达的意义、所触及到的句法也就有所转变。本论文把韩国语动词的语义、句法特色和在汉语中的对应情势停止了具体地论述。本论文起首在绪论部门重要论述了论文的研究目标、办法和以后的研究状态,找出了动词‘当下的研究价值。注释部门在第二章中对韩国语多义动词经由过程其在分歧辞书中的语义归结停止比较剖析,和图示化的办法将的根本义和衍生义的语义特色停止了体系的归结、分类和比较,并研究了各语义在汉语中的对应情势。接上去在第三章中论述了动词“在句型方面的特色,重要分红四种句型停止了剖析,阐释了其句型语法方面的特色,同时考核了动词的四种句型在汉语中的对应情势。最初在第四章结论部门对本文停止了归结总结。本篇论文在阐述韩国语多义动词“的特色时,分离从多义词语义、句型等方面临其加以剖析,而且对其在汉语中的对应情势停止了剖析,愿望对进修韩国语的中国粹生、进修中文的韩国粹生和韩国语教授教养供给必定的赞助。 Abstract: In Korean, "as a verb and frequent application of analogy when common polysemous words in daily life. In order to learn the meaning of a verb, it is important to control the pragmatic meaning of its application in the common diplomatic movement. Because of the differences in the situation of speaking, the meaning of the expression, and the syntax will be changed. In this paper, the semantic, syntactic features of Korean verbs and the corresponding Chinese situation stopped concretely. In the introduction section, this paper first discusses the research object, method and the research status of the paper, and finds out the value of the verb 's research. Comment department in the second chapter of Korean polysemous verbs through stop the process in different dictionaries semantic resolution comparison analysis, semantic features and illustrated the basic meaning and its derivative meanings stopped system resolution, classified and compared, and a discussion of the semantics, in the Chinese language corresponds to the situation. In the third chapter, this paper discusses the characteristics of the verb "in sentence pattern, and the importance of the four sentence patterns, and the characteristics of the sentence patterns, and the corresponding situation of the four sentence patterns in Chinese. At the beginning of the fourth chapter, the conclusions of this paper are summarized. This thesis on Korean polysemous verbs "characteristics, separation from polysemy, sentence pattern near its analyses and on the corresponding forms in Chinese analysis, desire to learn Korean Chinese pure students, studying Chinese Hansen of the quintessence of Chinese culture and Korean language teaching supply certain sponsorship. 目录: 摘要 7-8 Abstract 8 目录 9-10 正文 10-42 参考文献 42-44 附件 44-45 |