这篇论文旨在发明韩国留先生在华进修低级白话中碰到的艰苦,进而提出有用的办法,增长启齿率,以赞助留先生进步白话。笔者查阅了年夜量对于汉语教室低级白话教授教养及韩国人进修汉语教室教授教养方面的相干文献。在这些数据和信息的基本上,从先生、教员、教材等角度,停止周全的描写,剖析以后教授教养存在的成绩,并提出处理和成长的建议,以便可以或许进一步增进韩国留先生低级白话教室教授教养的良性成长。本文一方面以笔者教授教养阅历,引见韩国留先生低级白话教室现状,另外一方面,经由过程高校和韩国企业人员进修汉语的情形做了启齿率问卷查询拜访和访谈,冲破了以往白话教授教养上对启齿率界说的局限性,以为不是一切的启齿率都是对先生汉语程度的进步有积极感化的,只要有用的启齿率能力真正赓续进步先生的汉语白话技巧。 Abstract: This paper aims to invent Korean students in China to stay in China to learn the hard, and then put forward a useful way to improve the opening rate, in order to help keep mr.. The author has consulted the related literature on the teaching of the Chinese language classroom teaching and the teaching of Chinese language teaching in Korean. In, on the basis of these data and information, from the perspective of students, teachers, textbooks, stop comprehensive description, analysis teaching existence problems, and puts forward processing and development suggestions, to may further enhance South Korea leave the healthy growth of lower Mr vernacular Chinese classroom teaching. On the one hand, to the author's teaching experience, introduce that the South Korean left lower Mr vernacular classroom situation, on the other hand, through the process of universities and the South Korean company personnel to study Chinese do mouth rate of questionnaire survey and interview, broke through the previous vernacular teaching of mouth rate limitation of the definition, that the mouth is not the be all and rate of Mr. Chinese degree progress have positive effect, as long as the mouth useful rate ability really rise ceaselessly, the Chinese spoken language skills. 目录: 摘要 6-7 Abstract 7 绪论 9-12 1.选题意义 9 2.探讨对象 9 3 探讨目的和措施 9-10 (1)探讨目的 9 (2)探讨措施 9-10 4 探讨综述 10-12 一.韩国留学生初级口语课堂教学特点 12-15 1.1 学生特点 12 1.1.1 分级不分年龄 12 1.1.2 职业、身份、社会地位不同、学习汉语的动机不同 12 1.2 教学特点 12-15 1.2.1 课程设置 12-13 1.2.2 教材的选择 13-14 1.2.3 语言环境 14-15 二.有针对性的开展对韩国学生初级口语课堂教学探讨 15-23 2.1 标准的普通话发音 15-18 2.1.1 语音训练 15-17 2.1.2 词句训练 17-18 2.2 遵循实用交际性准则 18-19 2.3 创造生动有趣的课堂环境 19-20 2.4 加强汉语教学的专业化培训 20-23 2.4.1 对外汉语口语课学习者情感因素教学策略 21-22 2.4.2 培养学生积极的情感品质和强烈的求知欲 22 2.4.3 培养学生进行交际的能力,增强自信心 22 2.4.4 调节学生的情绪,营造良好的课堂气氛 22-23 三.对于韩国留学生初级口语课堂开口率的调查与探讨 23-27 3.1 开口率与口语流利性关系的探索 23-24 3.2 有效开口率与无效开口率 24-25 3.3 作用课堂有效开口率的因素调查与略论 25 3.4 调查内容与结果 25-27 四.作用初级口语开口率的因素 27-30 4.1 学生的交际焦虑 27 4.2 学生在口语表达中的偏误 27-28 4.3 教师的纠错 28-30 五.提高学生有效开口率的措施 30-33 5.1 改进教师的提问方式 30-31 5.2 明确学生的学习策略 31 5.3 有效掌握获得言语能力的规律 31-32 5.4 应用功能法进行教学 32-33 参考文献 33-35 致谢 35-37 附件 37-43 |