教材是教员讲课主要的帮助对象,是教授教养中必弗成少的一环。但是,今朝来看,韩国年夜多半已开设汉语课的小学仍在无教材的状况下停止汉语教授教养,汉语教材的应用成绩,已成为以后韩国小学汉语教授教养中必需处理的重要成绩。依据这一情形,为了周全真实地懂得韩国小学汉语教材的运用情形,笔者精心设计了查询拜访问卷,环绕现阶段汉语教材在韩国小学中的普及情形,所选用教材的内容、情势、优缺陷和对教材运用现状的看法、建议等方面,对韩国已在小学阶段开设汉语课的年夜部门地域停止了问卷查询拜访,并对换查数据停止了统计剖析。将查询拜访成果与对几位资深外语教员的访谈成果相联合,总结出教材运用的看重度不敷,韩语论文题目,黉舍、教导厅与教材出书方脱节,现用教材不敷完美三方面的成绩,并针对这三个成绩提出懂得决的对策与建议,诸如:经由过程设立汉语竞赛和测验进步对小学汉语教材的看重度,增强黉舍、教导厅与出书社的沟通与协作,自创英语教材出书的成熟形式等。愿望经由过程这些举动,韩语论文题目,慢慢处理现在在韩国小学中,汉语教材难选择的成绩,从而改良汉语教材在韩国小学中运用率低的现状。 Abstract: Teaching material is the main object of the teacher's lecture, is the teaching of the teacher will be put into a small circle. However, at present, most of the primary schools in South Korea are still in the situation of non teaching materials to stop the Chinese teaching, the use of Chinese teaching materials, and has become the important part of the Chinese teaching in South Korean primary school. According to this situation, in order to truly understand the comprehensive application of the Korean primary school Chinese textbook, the author designed a questionnaire, around the present Chinese Textbooks in South Korea in the popularization of primary school, the teaching material content, situation, advantages and disadvantages of teaching materials should be used and the status quo of the views and suggestions, to South Korea have Chinese courses in primary school stage in most parts of the end of a questionnaire survey, and statistical analysis of census data to stop. The results of several senior foreign language teacher interview results combined, summed up the application materials at severe enough, school, teaching and textbook publishing hall square line, the usage of teaching materials is not perfect three aspects, and according to the three results proposed the countermeasures and suggestions such as decision that, through the process of setting up Chinese competition and progress of primary school Chinese textbooks test the severe, strengthening school and teaching department and a communication and coordination work, their English textbook Book mature form etc.. Desire to pass through these actions, slowly processing now in the South Korean primary school, Chinese teaching materials difficult to choose the results, so as to improve the application of Chinese teaching materials in South Korean primary school. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 引言 8-13 (一)选题的背景 8-9 (二)探讨措施 9-10 1.问卷调查法 9 2.访谈法 9-10 3.经验总结法 10 (三)探讨近况综述 10-12 1.韩国人对韩国儿童汉语教材的探讨 10-11 2.中国人对韩国汉语教材的探讨 11-12 (四)探讨近况述评 12-13 一、现阶段韩国小学可选用汉语教材略论 13-16 (一)教育厅公开出版的汉语教材 13 (二)私立出版社出版的汉语教材 13-15 (三)地方教育院或学校自主编写的教材 15-16 二、韩国汉语教材使用近况调查及略论 16-35 (一)问卷设计与样本选择 16-20 1.问卷设计 16-17 2.样本的选取与略论 17-20 (二)调查及访谈结果 20-31 1.教师问卷结果 20-24 2.学生问卷结果 24-28 3.访谈结果 28-31 (三)调查结果略论 31-35 1.现阶段韩国小学汉语教材使用近况及其存在问题 31-34 2.现阶段韩国小学汉语教材使用问题归因 34-35 三、韩国小学汉语教材使用问题对策与建议 35-45 (一)对于加强对汉语重视程度的建议 35-37 1.增设各类汉语活动 35-36 2.学校设立汉语考试 36 3.建立中韩姐妹校 36 4.加强教师培训 36 5.加强中国文化宣传 36-37 (二)对于加强学校、教育厅和出版方沟通的建议 37-38 1.设立置购教材专项资金 37 2.组织相关研究会 37 3.制定教材大纲 37 4.提供可选教材目录 37 5.出版社引入中国教师 37-38 (三)对于改善小学汉语教材的建议 38-45 1.根据调查结果提出的建议 38-39 2.根据教学实践提出的建议 39-45 结语 45-47 参考文献 47-49 附录 49-61 附录一 调查问卷(学生版) 49-52 附录二 调查问卷(教师版) 52-56 附录三 现阶段小学常用教材样例 56-61 后记 61-62 作者攻读学位期间的学术成果 62-63 |