汉语国际教导专业硕士学位造就目的是“顺应国际外汉语教导教授教养情况的汉语国际推行任务、胜任国际外多种汉语教授教养的高条理、应用型、复合型专业教授教养人才”。由此可以看出汉语国际教导专业硕士重要造就面向海内汉语教授教养的才能,幻想的练习所在天然也是海内汉语教授教养与造就机构。海内练习对这一专业来讲非常主要,但因为这一学科处于创建和成长早期,在海内练习方面还存在一些使人迷惑的、亟待处理的成绩。本课题以调研为基本,总结出对外汉语教员才能方面的缺乏,重要表示在以下四方面:教导理念方面;班级治理方面;职业成长计划方面和教授教养立异方面。针对这些缺乏,本课题进而反思课程设置系统,给出迷信建议:(1)应明白教导理念的主要性。将教导理念应添加到拓展课程,(3)教导与教授教养治理类。(2)班级治理非常主要,应树立迷信的班级治理形式。建议将班级治理才能参加练习课程.(3)职业成长计划才能,课程设置简直没有触及此部门,是以应弥补这一空白。建议将职业成长计划增长到拓展课程中.(4)教授教养才能的立异。课程设置中已有相干教授教养板块,建议在课程设置中应强调汉语详细教授教养办法的主要性。本课题力争经由过程在调研基本上总结的建议,改良课程设置,推进汉语国际教导硕士的才能造就,推进进修阶段的造就进一步增进海内练习。 Abstract: Master's degree in international education in the Chinese language is the goal of the Chinese language teaching in the international and foreign language teaching ". Thus it can be seen that Chinese international education professional master important creating oriented to domestic Chinese teaching, practice of fantasy where natural it is the domestic Chinese teaching and cultivating institutions. Domestic practice in terms of the professional is very important, but because the subject in the creation and early growth, in the domestic practice there are still some confusing, needs to deal with the results. In this paper, the research, summed up the Chinese as a foreign language teacher to lack important said in the following four aspects: teaching philosophy; class management; career plan and teaching innovation aspects. To solve these problems, this thesis further reflects on the curriculum system, and gives the scientific suggestions: (1) the main idea of teaching should be understood. The idea of teaching should be added to the development course, (3) to teach and teach. (2) the class management is very important, should establish a scientific class management form. It is suggested that class management can be in practice. (3) the career development plan can be, and the curriculum is not touched by this department. Recommended occupation growth plan to expand growth. (4) in the course of teaching innovation ability. In the course of setting up the relevant teaching plate, we suggest that the main characteristics of the Chinese teaching method should be emphasized in the course setting. This paper strive to through in the basic research on the summary of recommendations, improved curriculum setting, promote Chinese International Education Master in order to create, promote learning stage of creating further enhance domestic practice. 目录: 摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4 第一章 绪论 7-16 1.1 探讨源起及探讨对象 7-9 1.1.1 探讨源起 7 1.1.2 探讨对象 7-9 1.2 探讨意义 9-10 1.3 探讨思路和措施 10 1.4 前人相关探讨成果综述 10-15 1.4.1 汉语国际教育硕士海外实习相关探讨成果 10-11 1.4.2 对外汉语教师能力培养相关探讨综述 11-12 1.4.3 汉语国际教育硕士课程设置探讨综述 12-15 1.5 本文的创新之处 15-16 第二章 对于海外汉语教师能力需求的调查 16-20 2.1 对语言教师及海外教学管理者的调研 16-18 2.1.1 调查对象的选定 16-17 2.1.2 问卷调查及访谈 17-18 2.2 对汉语学习者的调研 18-20 第三章 基于海外实习调研的汉语国际教育硕士能力略论 20-26 3.1 教育理念 20-21 3.2 班级管理能力 21-22 3.3 职业规划能力 22-23 3.4 教学创新能力 23-26 第四章 对完善汉语国际教育硕士能力培养的思考 26-32 4.1 建立科学的教育理念 26-28 4.1.1 改进拓展课程,培养先进教育理念 26-27 4.1.2 开展专题讲座,促进海外实习培养 27-28 4.2 进行松紧适度的班级管理 28-29 4.2.1 改进训练课程,进行先进的班级管理 28 4.2.2 开展专题讲座,与海外教师一对一,推动海外实习的培养 28-29 4.3 进行定期的职业发展规划 29-30 4.3.1 改进拓展课程,培养职业规划能力 29 4.3.2 师生共同学习,促进海外实习的开展 29-30 4.4 培养教学创新能力 30-32 4.4.1 核心课程强调教学措施,促进教学创新能力的培养 30 4.4.2 与海外汉语教师一对一,促进海外实习的培养 30-32 第五章 利用海外实习促进汉语国际教育硕士能力培养 32-36 5.1 重视海外实习环节,促进汉语国际教育硕士能力培养 32-34 5.2 完善汉语国际教育硕士的课程设置,培养合格的对外汉语教师 34-36 致谢 36-37 参考文献 37-39 附录A 学生调查问卷(中英文版) 39-48 附录B 语言教师应具备素质调查问卷(中英文版) 48-60 附录C 对管理者及语言教师的访谈记录稿 60-68 攻读学位期间的探讨成果 68 |