在21世纪的明天,由安康和不雅光联合在一路的医疗旅游(medical tourism)正在全球掀起新一轮高潮,很多国度都将其作为旅游业成长的重点,特别是具有俏丽气象和完美医疗系统的亚洲列国。医疗旅游业的鼓起是旅游业和医疗保健业互相叠加的成果,如许的家当势必增进韩国整形业和旅游业的配合成长。而作为亚洲四小龙之一的韩国更是把医治性的美容整形或保健业和和疗养相接轨的保健(医疗)旅游不雅光业作为21世纪国度计谋家当的一员。据猜测国际医疗旅游市场会在往后3至5年里有迸发性的增加特别是往后亚洲的生齿剧增、经济的赓续增加及东亚社会疾速进入老龄化等身分将招致医疗办事需求的赓续扩展进而促使医疗旅游家当的赓续增加。为了杀青本研究目标,以基本文献研究为配景,设立研究的系统和假定,并经由过程问卷查询拜访的实证剖析搜集材料。问卷查询拜访是从2012年10月27日至11月26日为止,在韩国的明洞、东年夜门商街,景福宫、仁川机场等地向中国女旅客发放,韩语论文,共分提问卷300份。终究获得有用标本268份,作为本研究的剖析资料运用。为了抽出选择属性的选摘要素,本研究停止了要素剖析和信任度剖析。依据中国女性旅客的生齿统计学上的特征和整形美容相干的特征,运用t一test剖析和疏散剖析”(one一way一anova)。现将本研究的剖析成果,归纳综合以下。第一,依据生齿统计学上的特征和韩国医疗选择属性的差别剖析成果,娶亲年纪、学历、职业等要素存在差别。第二,韩语论文网站,分歧年纪和职业的选择有差别。20岁至40多岁在发卖/临盆行业从事技巧临盆的中国女性旅客,对于住宿举措方法和购物举措方法的关怀更多,对颐养食物的关怀则普通。第三,分歧类型的中国女性旅客对于医疗举措方法都很看重,没有异同。第四,中国女旅客对医治后果和诊疗后的治理也很看重。 Abstract: Today in the 21st century, by the healthy and elegant light combined with in the way of medical tourism, medical tourism is a global set off a new round of high tide, many countries will as the focus of the growth of the tourism industry, especially in Asian countries with beautiful weather and perfect medical system. Medical tourism is the tourism industry and medical care mutual superposition results. Such possessions will promote the Korean plastic surgery industry and tourism industry with the growth. And as one of the four little dragons of Asia South Korea is the cure of cosmetic or healthcare and wellness consistent health (medical) tourism sightseeing industry as the 21st century national strategy belongings of a member. According to speculation of international medical tourism market will burst increased especially back ceaselessly of Asia's population increase, economic increase and East Asian societies quickly entered the aging factors will lead to medical service demand of ceaseless expansion so as to promote medical tourism belongings ceaselessly increased in the next 3 to 5 years. In order to crank up the purpose of this study, to the basic literature research as the background, the establishment of research system and assumed that through process of questionnaire survey of empirical analysis to collect material. Questionnaire survey is from 2012 October 27 to 11 June 26, in South Korea Myeong Dong, the eve of the East Gate Business Street, Gyeongbok palace, Incheon Airport to to the Chinese female passenger distribution, is divided into questions of 300 questionnaires. After all, obtain useful specimens of 268 copies, as the application of data analysis. In order to choose the elements extracted attribute selection, stop factor analysis and trust analysis of this study. According to the population statistics in Chinese female passenger characteristics and coherent cosmetic features, using t test analysis and evacuation analysis "(one way ANOVA). The research results of the analysis, summed up the following. First, according to the characteristics of population statistics and Korean medical selection property differences analysis result, wedding age, education, occupation and other factors differences. Second, differences in age and occupation choice difference. At the age of 20 to 40 years in selling / birth industry engaged in the skill to give birth of Chinese female passengers, concern about the accommodation facilities and shopping facilities more concern to the cozy food is ordinary. Third, China female tourists of different types of medical facilities are very important, there is no difference. Fourth, Chinese female passengers are also very important to treat the consequences and treatment after treatment. 目录: 摘要 8-9 ABSTRACT 9-10 第1章 绪论 11-16 1.1 选题背景 11-12 1.2 探讨的目的及意义 12-13 1.2.1 探讨目的 12-13 1.2.2 探讨意义 13 1.3 本文的探讨框架 13-14 1.4 探讨的创新点 14-16 第2章 理论背景及文献综述 16-24 2.1 医疗旅游相关理论探讨 16-21 2.1.1 医疗旅游定义探讨 16-17 2.1.2 国际医疗旅游流动规律和医疗旅游市场的探讨 17-18 2.1.3 对于医疗旅游的选择因素的相关理论探讨 18-21 2.2 中国消费者异地性冲动购买行为的探讨 21-24 第3章 假设的提出及模型的构建 24-27 3.1 假设的提出 24-25 3.2 模型的构建 25-26 3.3 资料收集及探讨措施 26-27 3.3.1 问卷设计 26 3.3.2 资料收集 26 3.3.3 探讨措施 26-27 第4章 实证略论 27-49 4.1 样本的普通特性 27-31 4.1.1 样本的人口统计学的特性 27-29 4.1.2 赴韩医疗观光女游客的行为特征 29-31 4.2 可信度及可行性验证 31-49 4.2.1 因子略论 31-33 4.2.2 信度略论 33-35 4.2.3 人口统计学特征异同性略论 35-42 4.2.4 整形美容相关的特性韩国医疗观光的异同性略论 42-49 第5章 结论 49-53 5.1 探讨结果讨论 49-51 5.2 探讨启示 51-52 5.3 探讨局限性与展望 52-53 附录:调查问卷 53-57 参考文献 57-60 致谢 60-61 学位论文评阅及答辩情况表 61 |