描述词语堆叠是汉语中比拟罕见的说话景象,也是对外汉语教授教养中语法教授教养的重难点之一,然则截止到今朝,对于汉语描述词堆叠的研究年夜多局限于本体研究,针对本国先生习得汉语描述词堆叠的教授教养研究和偏误剖析研究都绝对软弱。本文以韩国仁济年夜学中文学部年夜二至年夜四的先生为研究对象,经由过程教室查询拜访、师生访谈的措施,懂得韩国年夜先生习得汉语描述词堆叠式的办法及现状。第一章绪论部门就今朝汉语描述词堆叠的本体研究做了总结,接着引出偏误剖析和比较剖析,作为本文研究的实际基本。第二对HSK静态语料库中触及的一切词语堆叠偏误停止了分类剖析,将这些偏误类型经由过程问卷的措施发放给先生,得出韩国粹生习得汉语描述词堆叠式的重要偏误类型,并统计成果。第三章经由过程对韩国教员的教室不雅察和与韩国师生之间对于汉语描述词堆叠式访谈,得出韩国粹生对汉语描述词堆叠的习得现状和习得办法。依据中介语实际和偏误剖析实际,指出教授教养的不充足、进修者进修战略欠妥和教材编写的掉误等身分是招致韩国粹生涌现偏误的重要缘由。第四章联合偏误的成因,提出针对韩国粹生习得汉语描述词堆叠式的相干教授教养对策及教材编写的建议。文章的结语部门解释了本文的根本熟悉和有待进一步研究的成绩。 Abstract: Description words stacking is a rare phenomenon in the Chinese language, and it is also one of the most difficult and difficult problems in the teaching of Chinese grammar teaching in foreign language. This paper inje University Chinese Department of the eve of the second to the eve of the four students as the research object, through the process of classroom inquiry visits, interviews with teachers and students, to understand Korean university student acquisition of Chinese words stacked approach and the present situation description. In the first chapter, the introduction section summarizes the ontology of the description of the Chinese language, and then leads to the analysis and comparison of the errors. The second pair of HSK static corpus touch all words stacking errors stop classification analysis, these types of errors through the method of questionnaire issued to Mr., the quintessence of Korean students learning Chinese description words stacked important types of errors and statistical results is obtained. In the third chapter, through the process of Korean teacher classroom observations and South Korea between teachers and students and the description of Chinese words stacked interview that Korea student of Chinese description reduplications acquisition status and acquisition approach. Based on the interlanguage theory and error analysis of the actual, it is pointed out that teaching is not sufficient, the learners learning strategies is undeserved and textbooks written off wrong identity is incurred Korea student to the emergence of an important reason for the error. The fourth chapter combined bias causes is presented for the quintessence of Korean students learning Chinese description words stacked relevant teaching strategies and materials to prepare a proposal. The conclusion of this paper is to explain the basic knowledge and the results of further research. 目录: 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 第一章 绪论 9-11 1.1 选题的缘起及意义 9 1.2 本题的探讨近况 9-10 1.3 本文的探讨思路与措施 10-11 第二章 韩国学生汉语形容词重叠式习得的偏误类型 11-24 2.1 将不具有重叠功能的形容词加以重叠应用 11-13 2.2 形容词重叠式“de”的缺失 13-16 2.2.1 形容词重叠式“的”的缺失 14-15 2.2.2 重叠后补语标记助词“得”的缺失 15-16 2.3 形容词重叠式与程度副词的连用 16-17 2.4 形容词重叠式与时态助词“着”、“了”、“过”的连用 17-18 2.5 形容词重叠式的残缺和累赘 18-21 2.5.1 形容词重叠式的残缺 18-20 2.5.2 形容词重叠式的累赘 20-21 2.6 形容词重叠式的语序错误 21-22 2.7 形容词重叠式的搭配错误 22-23 2.8 形容词重叠式与否定副词“不”的连用 23 2.9 形容词重叠式在“比”字句中的误用 23-24 第三章 韩国学生汉语形容词重叠式习得的偏误原因 24-33 3.1 母语的负迁移 24 3.2 目的语的泛化与回避 24-25 3.3 学习策略的不恰当 25-26 3.4 课堂教学的不充分 26-27 3.5 教材编写的不合理 27-30 3.6 汉语方言以及网络语言的作用 30-33 第四章 面向韩国学生的形容词重叠的教学对策 33-41 4.1 对于课堂教学的建议 33-37 4.1.1 教师在课堂上采取“精讲多练”的教学措施 33-34 4.1.2 在课堂上着重讲解对韩国学生易错的语法点,强化课堂练习 34-35 4.1.3 减少教师在教学中的回避 35-36 4.1.4 加大学生的阅读和写作练习 36 4.1.5 减少中介语的干扰 36-37 4.2 对于教材编写的建议 37-39 4.2.1 加强对汉语形容词重叠式的全面、系统、准确的讲析 37-38 4.2.2 依据课型阶段性安排教学内容 38 4.2.3 课后练习的多样化 38-39 4.3 小结 39-41 第五章 结语 41-43 5.1 本文的基本认识 41 5.2 有待进一步探讨的问题 41-43 参考文献 43-46 附录 46-49 致谢 49 |