
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


South Korea as Chinese neighbors, since Chinese was born after long time bilateral cooperation and economic civilization exchange more frequent. Chinese as the second language in South Korea popular growth is the eve of the trend, we to Korean language teaching research also must give a certain value and keeping pace with the times. Ability to further adhere to downtown momentum of the growth of the Chinese in South Korea, allow Chinese to become South Korea's second foreign language learning most of a talk. Textbooks as one of the three big elements of the teaching process, its main effect is ignored, is to a learner, a set of perfect materials not only can perhaps sponsored learners strengthen them on Chinese learning interest and confidence, and perhaps sponsored learners stop useful to preview and review the common sense and faster better control in Chinese. This paper by analyzing the present junior middle school published in South Korea at the present stage of Chinese teaching material color is rich, design sense is extremely strong, illustrations, some textbooks is accompanied by video and audio data CDs and DVDs and the content of the textbook cheek by jowl joint venture, making the classroom teaching of double lively and rich taste of the wind. But at the same time, there are still some achievements in the content of the lower level Chinese textbooks, which is to be perfect in Chinese textbooks. South Korea's Chinese teaching material in teaching grammar writing aspects difficulty moderate and grammar knowledge repetition rate is higher, however the syntax that is too simple; civilization with rich content, however, cross cultural diplomacy content is less; play the number of exercises too few, questions over a single. In view of the above problems, according to the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language and fathers experience, the Incheon middle school often use two of the Chinese textbook analysis and put forward according to the South Korean Chinese learners teaching application suggestions, wishes can to South Korea lower materials prepared as thin, may on Application of two books and writers are somewhat enlightenment.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   第一章 引言   7-12       一、 选题背景和选题意义   7-8           (一) 选题背景   7           (二) 选题意义   7-8       二、 国内外对于汉语教材的探讨概况   8-10           (一) 国内汉语教材探讨近况   8-9           (二) 国外汉语教材探讨近况   9-10       三、 本文的相关探讨工作   10-12           (一) 探讨对象   10           (二) 探讨措施   10-11           (三) 理论基础   11-12   第二章 教材编排内容略论   12-22       一、 MIRAE N CULTURE 生活汉语略论   12-17           (一) 语言技能目标略论   12-13           (二) 文化知识目标略论   13-14           (三) 语言知识目标略论   14-17       二、 NEXUS CHINESE生活汉语略论   17-22           (一) 语言技能目标略论   17-18           (二) 文化知识目标略论   18           (三) 语言知识目标略论   18-22   第三章 两本教材的比较略论   22-27       一、 两本教材的优势   22-24           (一) 教材的实用性   22-23           (二) 教材的趣味性   23-24       二、 两本教材的不足之处   24-27           (一) 语言技能练习失衡   24-25           (二) 语法注释过于简单   25-27   第四章 对教材使用和编写的建议   27-31       一、 教材使用的建议   27-28           (一) 对授课教师的建议   27-28           (二) 对学生的建议   28       二、 教材编写的建议   28-31           (一) 语法编写着重用法说明   28-29           (二) 文化编写增加趣味性   29           (三) 练习题编写遵循适量准则   29-31   结语   31-32   参考文献   32-34   后记   34-35   个人简介   35  
